The Tension is Electric in Here

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A/N: I am so sleep deprived, I hope this chapter is up to your expectations. Working full time is a pain in my ass. Enjoy!


The day had finally arrived for Rory's school project on 'Macbeth, and her half sister Y/N was finally going to meet him. They shared a cheeky look at each other when they heard a knock at the door, signifying the arrival of the Chilton classmates that made up her group.

Rory gets up to answer the door as Y/N turns her 'focus' to her laptop in front of her - which is really just an open Word document and nothing more. Tristan, Louise and Madeline entered into the Gilmore residence. She looked up at them all, offering a kind but nonchalant smile, before looking back at her laptop screen. Y/N has meticulously worked out the outfit she was currently wearing earlier today. She knew the plan was to catch the eye of the womaniser known as Tristan, so she picked something that showed off her best assets well, without seeming too over the top or desperate.

"Hey, you must be Rory's friends. Madeline, Louise and-"

"Tristan Dugray," He struts over, taking one hand out of his pocket, taking hers and lifting it up to kiss the back of it gently. "I didn't know Rory had a sister,"

"I'm Y/N, and I'm her half sister," Y/N shuffles up to sit more on her feet, turning her body to face him better. "I'm only here because I was working through my Shakespeare essay, and I wanted Rory's opinion. You guys are doing Shakespeare right?"

"As a matter of fact we are. Would you care to join us? Get the full private school education experience?"

"Sure, let's see if Chilton is all it's cracked up to be,"

Tristan turns to the other girls and smirks, "We could use an extra pair of hands, couldn't we?"

Louise and Madeline give each other a look, noticing easily that Tristan was putting his charm on full force for this girl, "As long as hands are kept to themselves,"

"I'll restrain myself, promise," Y/N's eyes sparkle with playfulness. If the bluntness caught him off guard, he didn't let it show on his face, he just continued to smirk and gave her a slow look up and down.

"Don't hurt yourself there," He winks, and Rory and Y/N lead the rest of the group into the kitchen. Y/N sits by Rory, and Tristan smoothly slides into the seat on the other side of her, with his chair flipped so he is leaning his arms atop the back of the chair.

As the time passed, the pair seemed to become closer and closer physically. They would often brush knees, his hand would casually hover near her chest as he reached past her to grab a pencil. Louise, Madeline and Rory all silently stole looks as the tension was building. It was like the whole room was slowly heating up.

"Hey," He whispers, tapping Y/N on her arm with his pencil. "Could you show me where the bathroom is?"

She leans in to whisper in his ear, "If you say please," As she pulls back, she swears his breathing catches slightly in his throat, and there is a slight darkening in his eyes as he looks into hers.

"Please," He drags out the middle of the word, still in a whisper. Y/N smirks at him, then clears her throat and addresses the table.

"I'm gonna show Tristan the bathroom," Louise and Madeline suppress their knowing laughs and just nod in sync. Y/N and Tristan get up from the table, and Y/N grabs his wrist, leading him in the direction of the bathroom. Once they reach the door, they take a beat to look at each other, then connect their lips enthusiastically.


Once or twice a week for the past month or two, Tristan finds his way into Stars Hollow. His expensive car catches way more attention than Y/N would like, but she soon forgets about it once she has Tristan in her room. The town gossip, Miss Patty, informed Luke of the blonde man sneaking up to his apartment the first time she saw him, which made sneaking around quite the challenge, but Y/N found a way for him to sneak in through her bedroom window without anyone seeing pretty quickly.

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