Not Everyone is a 'Dean'

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A/N: This is a short chapter, i'm sorry, i am super busy right now and a lot has been happening in my life the past couple days, so there will be delays between chapters. Thank you so much for 2k+ reads btw <3

"Sorry about the mess," Y/N shrugs, letting Paris in the door.

"Did you guys get robbed or something?" She says, eyes bugging out of her head. "Oh, didn't see you there. You are..." She peeks over at Jess who is now reading silently on his bed. Y/N waits for him to fill in the blank but he doesn't even acknowledge the guest's existence.

"That's Jess,"

"Talkative," Paris notes. She gives a wary glance between the two, curious as to the lack of animosity since from what she last heard, the two were not in a particularly good spot.

"Maybe you scared him," Y/N laughs, looking at Jess for a reaction, but he doesn't even look away from his page. "Right... So I made some space for us at the dining table. There's soda in the fridge if you want one,"

"Oh, I can't have soda. My mom wouldn't allow it, she said it'll give me type 2 diabetes or give me insomnia,"

"I don't think one will kill you," Y/N heads to the fridge pulling out one for herself. "You want one, Jess?"

The boy finally looks up, before exaggeratedly giving himself a look up and down. "From what I can see, I still have legs, don't I?"

Y/N just laughs in disbelief, "Yes?"

"And I haven't been in any car accidents or fallen down any comedically long staircases recently, so I think my legs work perfectly fine, wouldn't you agree?"

"I did ask a yes or no question, right?" Y/N looks at Paris after rolling her eyes and closing the fridge.

"All I'm saying is if I wanted a soda, I would get up and get one on my own volition,"

"If you keep speaking, you won't have the luxury because I will forcibly put a dent in your skull with this can,"

"But then you won't have a soda,"

"Hello? Last I checked, I came here to get away from the whole 'mommy and daddy full brawl screaming match' thing I've got going on in my life, and this isn't seeming too much different. So can you both put a sock in it already?"

Y/N instantly starts feeling guilt through her body, and doesn't really know what to say. She just opens her can and sits down at the table.

"Now, will you go through my flashcards with me?"


"What the hell was that?" Y/N asks as she charges back into the room after seeing Paris out.

"What was what?" Jess asks nonchalantly, genuinely seeming as though he has no idea what the girl is talking about.

"The whole 'i-have-legs-they-work-fuck-your-soda-offer-and-you' act!"

"I didn't tell you to go fuck yourself, Y/N,"

"And ignoring Paris when she came in? I mean, you talk my ear off everyday and then a new person comes by and you're suddenly you're a mime,"

"I didn't want to interrupt the fun,"

"Jess. Can we have a real conversation without the wit, please?" Y/N sits at the foot of his bed.

"I just... I don't like other people. I'm sorry for being a dick," He puts a hand over Y/N's.

"You were. And I think if you tried you might find that not everyone on Earth sucks as badly as you might think. Not everyone is a 'Dean'," She smiles, feeling better about the honest communication. "I'm evidence of that, aren't I?" Y/N gives him a chaste kiss.

"Woah, Dean I didn't know you felt that way about me,"

"Oh shut up," She pushes him backwards and he pulls her down by her shirt, bringing her into a heavier kiss. "Wait," She pushes him away, and he falls back into the pillow, confused. Y/N looks up at the clock before speaking again. "We've got about 5 more minutes before Luke comes up for something else he will pretend he needs,"

"Then why are you wasting time talking about how little time we have?"

"Good point,"


A few days pass and everything becomes chaos. The entire building of Luke's has transformed into a full construction zone.

"You said minimal disruptions, Tom" Luke complains to the head construction worker.

"This is minimal disruptions. Look, I need you to sign this change order, we broke through this wall and we found some pipes that shouldn't be there. We gotta move them,"

"Move them where?" Luke takes the clipboard from his hands.

"Not sure. We gotta find out what they do first,"

"You're kidding me!"

"Oh yeah. There's nothing I like more than a good moving a pipe joke,"

"Fine, one more week, that's it."

"Oh, sure, construction ultimatum. Ha, that's even funnier than my moving pipe joke,"

Y/N emerges from behind the curtain of the stairs, messy haired and in sweats and a faded graphic t-shirt. "Coffee," She says, not too different from the way a zombie might.

"Well don't you look just darling," Jess smirks, handing her a mug of scalding hot coffee.

"Go away," She scowls, but takes it gladly. Almost as if she heard her favourite word, Lorelai walks in with Rory by her side.

"What happened to you girlie?" Lorelai slides onto a stool at the counter.

"Look around! It's been like this since 5am. I need my sleep, but its been impossible!"

"You can't sit here," Luke walks over, filling up a cup for both the Gilmores. "Three people already got nailed in the head by the drywall,"

"But their food was okay, right?"

"Just move. Y/N can you help for a couple minutes please?" Y/N groans, rubbing at her temples. Jess walks over to the coatrack and pulls out an umbrella. He pops it open and hands it to the girl. "Oh, you are really funny. You and Tom should put an act together," He pauses, then turns to Y/N, "I'd leave it open,"


"Hey Luke. It's 7:45," Jess says.

"Okay, so?"

"So do you want to break the child labour laws by keeping us from attending school or can we leave now?"

"The suspension is already over? Sure, whatever,"

"Fuck, I've gotta change!" Y/N throws everything down on the counter and sprints up the stairs.

"Language! Can you wait for her before you go, please?" Jess goes to follow Y/N up before Luke grabs his by the collar of his jacket. "Downstairs. Wait downstairs,"

"You're insane,"

Y/N takes a couple minutes to get dressed and fix the mess her hair had become overnight. She reenters the diner. "I'm taking this," She states to Luke, grabbing a donut and running out the door with Jess.

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