Oh, So Something Did Happen

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  Y/N couldn't keep in her laughs. Jess had walked over as Y/N was finishing her makeup, and he was looking completely dejected in the most hilarious outfit she has ever seen.

"Shut up," Jess kicks the floor, staring down at his shoes. When he finally looks up, he can't help but gawk. Y/N looked like royalty in a different time.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"I just don't understand how I ended up with this and you look like that," Y/N flushes slightly.

"Liz likes me better," She jokes.

"Well, that was inevitable. So, are you ready to go? Ceremony starts soon,"

"Sure," Y/N puts her makeup brush down, and turns in her chair. Jess offers his hand, to which Y/N accepts.


Y/N takes her seat next to Luke - who was dressed in a completely normal suit and tie, and Lorelai, in a very pretty pink gown and flower crown. There was still some residual tension between Luke and Lorelai over the whole 'Y/N and Jess are both lost causes' conversation at the Gilmore house a little while back. They hadn't exactly had much time today to talk about Jess' return, or even the fact that Y/N seemed to be doing better than ever staying out of trouble. Y/N had no clue what was said about her, but she could kind of tell that Lorelai wasn't exactly in a place to hang out with her like best friends or anything.

"How are you feeling about... him, being back?" The woman asks once the girl sits down.

"Oh," Y/N wasn't expecting a conversation to be sparked so suddenly. "Well, it's a lot less awkward than it would've been if he had come back any sooner," She can tell that the Gilmore was biting her tongue on something, holding back whatever it was that she wanted to say. "Um, so where is Rory?" She changes the subject.

"Oh, she should be here any moment. I think Babette wanted her help on making some more flower crowns or something."

"Oh, nice." This conversation seemed to be getting progressively more uncomfortable - Luke could tell that too from his seat in between the pair. He clears his throat.

"I think this is the weirdest possible wedding I will ever see in my lifetime. I mean, I guess it fits, Liz always was absolutely whacked out of her mind since we were young, but she's really outdone herself this time,"

"I think it's sweet," Lorelai smiles. "I mean, her and TJ do seem like a perfect match. I can't wait to get someone as crazy as me and have my dream Hello Kitty themed wedding,"

"As long as I'm not dragged into dressing up with bows and frills," Luke grumbles.

"Hey! You didn't even dress up for your own sister's wedding! I barely know the woman and she roped me into wearing this,"

"At least you got it better than Jess. He looks like a total nutjob," Lorelai butts in.

"Yeah, well, I guess that's her way of proving they're related. Like mother, like son," Luke responds.

"Hey! I'm here, the bride is about to walk out. Y/N you look so cool, wow! Who knew, mediaeval really is your era, huh?" Rory smiles, no teasing in her voice whatsoever. She places a white flower crown over her half-sister's head, and then takes her seat next to her mother.

"Thanks, Rory, but don't get used to it. I am not planning on keeping this look," The wedding 'band' - or the bard and his merry men as Luke colourfully called them, start playing, and everyone stands, turning to the back. Liz steps out, linking arms with her son. The minister walks up to the front from his place within the musical section, singing some weird tune.

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