A/N Life Update

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Hi, just wanted to say how sorry I am for saying I would come back and then didn't. I have had the worst time of my life over the past 2-3 months and I am going to start therapy sessions soon to try and work through it. The only writing I have found myself able to do is journaling - personal stuff about every day and how I am feeling. It is therapeutic in the way that writing this fic has been, but because it is private and personal I feel less stressed out to make something good. I am a very self critical person when it comes to creative projects.

I still love Gilmore Girls and always think about this and how the story has gone so far but I feel stuck. I am thinking about maybe starting a new story for Jess or rewriting this one at some point because I am the type of person who struggles with big projects that last a long time. I don't want to make any promises anymore, because I hate the guilt that comes with feeling like I owe others to follow through. Writing is a passion thing for me, and putting any stress on myself to do it could ruin it. I don't want that to happen.

Sorry if you don't care about all this shit, I just thought I would put this out there in case people did want to know an update on why this has not been updated in a while.

I may try doing little short stories or one shots for Gilmore Girls and other fandoms that I am in, so if you do want to consider sticking around with my page then that would be great. If not then thank you so much anyway for all the support, reads and votes. I love getting the notifications that say how much you guys have enjoyed this.

Thank you again, and see you all again someday.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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