Going Somewhere, Or Just Going?

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"Hey, you're looking better. Lane missed you at school this week," Dean Forester says to Y/N as she reaches the checkout of Doosey's market. "And I did too,"

"Back to bright eyed and bushy tailed," Taylor's eyes haven't left the girl since she entered his store, not an ounce of trust in his bones, and she notices him as she speaks to her half-sister's boyfriend. Dean smiles, ringing her up.

"So... What's the deal with that Jess kid?"

"I don't know if I'm the person to ask,"

"Well, at school I never see the two of you apart. It's like you've got him on a leash,"

"I think that would suggest I'm dragging him around. As if I would willingly spend time with him. Living in the same building as Jess is enough to drive anyone mad," Dean's laugh is deep, and his smile is bright.

"Yeah, he sure seems like a handful. I don't know what it is about him, but I don't like him,"

"Why? I mean, he may have that whole big-city attitude, but you definitely have the height advantage on him,"

"Yeah, well, here's the thing. On Friday, he started whaling on this guy - I think his name is Ryan? Anyway, I go to break up the fight and he takes a swing at me out of nowhere. Claims it was the adrenaline or something, but I don't know,"

"What a dick. If you'll excuse me," She picks up her bag of paid for snacks, and rushes out into the town square, finding Jess sitting on a bench, reading On The Road by Jack Kerouac. She slaps the book down, onto his lap and he looks up in disbelief.

"What was that for?" Jess whines.

"Why did you punch Dean?" Y/N's arms fold against her chest.

"I didn't punch him," His matter of fact tone pulls a scoff from her mouth.

"Okay, smartass, why did you go to punch Dean?"

"Reflex. Swell conversation, you can go now," Her eyes narrow, and she snatches his book from him, spinning on her heels and heading off. Jess gets up, matching her fast pacing. "Why do you even care, you're not his girlfriend," She ignores him, eyes staring right ahead of her. The only attention she pays him is moving the book away from his tireless efforts to steal it back.

They reach a quaint bridge over a small lake. A quiet location Y/N likes to go, and her mind worked in autopilot, she never actually intended to bring him here.

"Are you coming back to school on Monday?"

"Funny. The way you asked that made it seem like you have been going to school,"

"You know what I meant. And I have been going, I went in twice last week," He defends.

"Yeah, and you got in a fight," He nods, taking a seat on the edge of the bridge, shoes grazing the surface of the water.

"Hey, wanna help me with something? I think it's time I leave a mark on this town, so they'll remember me when I manage to make an ally who has a getaway car," Y/N takes a seat, crossing her legs into a pretzel.

"Bad thing about that is eventually you'll reach 'the end of America - no more land - and then there is nowhere to go but back'," Casually quoting the book, she idly flicks through the pages, observing some of Jess' notes in the margins, scrawled in quite beautiful handwriting.

"You like Kerouac? Surprise after surprise,"

"I think your penmanship is more surprising. And, anyway, what is this thing you need help with?" Jess catches himself staring at the girl's side profile in awe, but he clears his throat.

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