'I Heart Stars Hollow'

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- Y/N's POV

"Oh hey you," Jess nudges me as I'm digging through my locker.

"Hey back," I give him a kiss on the cheek. "How was calc?"

"Riveting," He says, his voice laced with sarcasm. "What would you say about getting out of here?" He pulls out a cigarette from his jacket pocket.

I take a moment to pretend to think, and Jess speaks again, "Oh come on, I know you well enough to know that you do not want to be in world history right now,"

"You memorised my schedule? Dork," I punch his shoulder softly. "I don't like that you know me too well. It's freaky," I pinch the cig from his fingers and slam my locker door shut, holding his hand in my free one.

- Third Person POV

"You coming back for the last class of the day?" Y/N fiddles with Jess' fingers, feeling very relaxed. Jess shakes his head.

"Waste of time,"

"True, but the world is a cruel, unjust place. Now, I've got to run, bio awaits!" Before she can leave, Jess spins her back into him and cups her face while giving her a deep kiss, stealing her breath. Y/N sighs contentedly, gives him a small wave farewell.


"Woah, 2 feet distance please," Lane puts her hands up, stopping Y/N from coming any closer.

"What, why?"

"Ms. Kim has the nose of a bloodhound, and that heightened sense of smell is particularly good at identifying any lingering smell of smoke that may cling to my clothes,"

"Right, the human smoke detector. I almost forgot why I wasn't allowed around your house anymore. Anyway, how was history? You miss me?"

"You weren't in history?" Y/N gasps before Lane cracks, letting herself giggle, "I'm just kidding! It was boring without you arguing with Mr. Carino at every opportunity,"

"It's not my fault he's completely incompetent at the one subject he spent years studying to teach,"

"You have to love public school," She snorts slightly, rolling her eyes. A silence falls among them all of a sudden.

"Hey. Are we good? I mean, I haven't seen you much since... you know," Y/N leaves it unsaid, knowing that it is obvious what she is trying to bring up.

"Right... I'm sorry for snapping. I still don't agree with the concept of what you did, but it seems like you and Jess are really good. And, I saw Shane has a new guy, so it seems like everything is fine,"

"Good. And we're good?"

"Yes, we're good. Now let's get to class,"


After a few weeks, the construction is all finished. The apartment is way more spacious now, and Y/N is glad to have a privacy screen for around her bed, and her own desk. Her only complaint is that she has to share a closet with Jess, but its better than sharing a pile of clothes on the floor with him, so she doesn't have that much gripe for this compromise.

Y/N and Jess are lying on her bed, reading different books in a comfortable silence before being disrupted by a loud pounding on the door followed by the familiar voice of Rory Gilmore. "Jess, Y/N! Open up, I know you're in there,"

"Do you think if we just keep quiet she'll just go away," Y/N whispers, but more knocking booms into the room. Y/N huffs and shoves her pillow over her head, covering her ears. Jess laughs, and gets up to answer the door.

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