Service With a Smile

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A/N: Again, a short update! I have been told I have a month to move out so that's not fun 🤩 I will be rushing to get as much packed up as soon as possible as I work full time so you know how things go. Please send your love so I don't fall into a mental hole again lol <3

  "I don't think you should be making me work tonight,"

  "It's the agreement, Y/N," Luke sighs, waiting at the door of the bathroom, waiting for Y/N to finish changing. "And I can't leave Caesar to man the diner on his own, you know I made plans tonight,"

  "You just told me that Jess is studying here tonight. You seriously don't see how this completely contradicts the other agreement?"

  "There isn't another choice. I am not hiring another person to work for this one night. Besides, I spoke to Rory about how important this whole thing is. How long does it take to get changed?" As soon as Luke finishes his query, Y/N steps out of the bathroom. Luke death stares the girl as he takes note of her appearance.

  "What?" She sighs. "I'm dressed,"

  "Barely! See, you're the one so stressed about how you have to spend one night in the same building as Jess as he may stray, and then you get all dressed up like you want him to look at you!"

  "Ew. Luke, please don't say stuff like that, it sounds creepy," Y/N laughs. "I'm dressed how I normally dress,"

  "You've painted your face, styled your hair and are showing too much skin,"

  "I am wearing jeans!"

  "Ripped, tight jeans!"

  "Luke seriously, this is uncomfortable. I am dressed how I dress almost everyday, would you want me to work dressed like a homeless person, with eye bags on show for all too see? It would scare off customers," She pushes past him and heads downstairs. Luke just sighs in defeat, and grabs a jacket, ready to go out.

  Y/N sees him straight away. Jess is messing with a deck of cards in front of Rory, completely ignoring the mountain of school work that he was resting his elbows on.

  "Explain to me the political ramifications of the Marshall Plan," Rory says politely, before noticing that Jess is not paying any attention.

  "Pick a card," Rory snatches the deck out of his hands and dumps them onto the floor.

  "Huh, well, that just made the trick a little bit harder,"

  "Jess, focus," He rolls his eyes and leans back into the chair. His eyes wander around the diner, as though observing it for the first time, when his eyes fall on Y/N. Upon realising they were making eye contact, Y/N busies herself with messing with the coffee maker.

  Jess' heart quickens at seeing the girl. She looks particularly beautiful tonight, against all odds - the harsh lighting of the diner, the messy apron tied to her front, the confusing smell of various foods wafting in the air. He can't pull his eyes away. His body moves on it's own, magnetised towards Y/N. He faintly hears Rory's protests but it isn't something he puts in the forefront of his brain

  "Long time no see," Jess quips, not taking the hint (or simply ignoring the fact) that Y/N was clearly ignoring him. "Those jeans look good on you,"

  "I'm working, Jess," She forces herself to keep her tone steady and her face relaxed.

  "Well, aren't you going to take my order?" She sighs and spins around to meet his focused gaze.

  "What do you want?"

  "Service with a smile would be nice," It is getting very difficult for Y/N to keep a straight face. She puts on a fake smile and drops it after a second.

  "Order," She whips out a notebook from her back pocket.

  "I want to spend some time with you,"

  "That's not on the menu,"

  "That hasn't been a problem previous times I have asked. Customer's always right,"

  "It's rude to ignore your guest,"

  "Get some ice cream with me?" He pouts, leaning further over the counter.

  "Any paying customers waiting to order?" She calls out, and receives a raised hand from Kirk. "Oh look, gotta run," As Y/N passes Jess, he grabs her arm and spins her towards him. Y/N knows she should pull back, but she can't move. She breath becomes ragged, and her eyes are flitting around his features.

  "So, how about that ice cream?" Y/N is pulled out of her stupor by the sound of Kirk clearing this throat.

  "Go study, Jess," Her voice is softer now, less hostile, and the boy takes this as a small victory. "Rory will take you for ice cream if you behave," He looks her up and down with purpose, then goes back to his seat with Rory with a smirk on his face.


  Y/N basically falls asleep when she sits at an empty table, having just finished closing up the diner and sending Caesar on his way. She rests her head on table, exhausted.

  Suddenly a large crash echoes out, muffled only slightly by the walls of Luke's, which is followed by the whining and blaring of a car alarm. Y/N immediately jumps up, worried at the car crash that had clearly just occurred. She runs outside and sees a trail of smoke not too far around the corner. Her pace is hasty and she instantly recognises the sight of Rory's car wrapped around a tree. Her heart sinks into her stomach, and tears are already starting to stream down her face.

  Sprinting closer, she sees the shadowy silhouette of Jess frantically pacing around, punching numbers into his phone. Y/N catches up to the accident, and rushes to pull Jess into a tight hug. He wraps his free arm around Y/N before moving her away and telling her to keep an eye on Rory.

  "Hi, yeah there has been an accident. Me and my friend were driving and I swerved away from an animal and we hit a tree. We're on the corner by... 'Stars Hollow Books'" Y/N can hear the shake in his voice, clearly flooding with adrenaline.

  "Can you move, are you okay?" She asks Rory, who has a small bruise already forming on her head. Rory is holding her arm to her chest, supporting it with the other hand, and she winces in pain at every small movement.

  "I'm fine, I think? It's my arm. I think I hit it on the dash or something," Her voice makes it obvious she is still in a dazed state. Y/N helps the girl up carefully out of the passenger side. She hears Jess ending the call to the authorities, and notices how terrified he looks.

  "Is she okay? I am so sorry, Rory. I didn't mean-"

  "You don't need to apologise, Jess. I was there, I know you didn't do anything wrong. He didn't," Rory turns to the other girl, reassuring her. Y/N keeps holding her up, as though she might shatter to pieces at any time.

  "Someone will be here soon, don't worry,"

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