Flashing to Life in a Pitch Black Darkness

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A/N: Two updates for y'all in the same day? I had abandoned this fic for months I am so sorry, but I recently saw all the sweet comments on here and decided I want to try and give writing another chance. This chapter was really when I got my mojo back I believe, so I'm sorry if my writing style is kinda all over the place from chapter to chapter. Enjoy!

- Y/N's POV

"You find any space for me in your house yet?" I say to Lorelai, slumping into a seat next to Rory at their usual table in the diner.

"What did he do this time?" She replies, coddling her cup of coffee with both of her amazingly manicured hands.

"I would just rather staple my hands to my ears than have to listen to another one of his 'intimate' phone calls with Shane" I focus emphasis on the last word to really drive my annoyance home. "'Can't wait to see you', 'Sweet dreams', 'You read my mind', God... Shoot me in the face,"

"Boy troubles... I see," Lorelai smiles at the dramatic flare in my voice.

"This isn't boy troubles. This is 'I am being forced to listen to one side of a cringey love-fest that borders on you hang up, no you hang up type of crap' troubles," I shovel a donut into my mouth, trying to stop myself from gagging at the memory of Jess' soft, caring phone voice.

"I wouldn't think it would bother you that much, you don't even like Jess, right? Or did I miss the latest issue of the metaphorical Stars Hollow's gossip magazine?" Rory chirps in, a puzzled look on her face.

"Seeing him so unsettlingly happy is irritating me to this extent because of my disliking of him," I respond, but I can feel a level of disbelief within my own statement after the words leave my mouth.

Lorelai and her daughter share a knowing look across the table, using there elusive Gilmore girls' telepathy to have a conversation within just a quick glance. "Well, unfortunately no, we still don't have space for you to move in with us, however, if this is really bothering you so much, why don't you stay over tonight?"

"Oooh, yeah! We could have a half-sibling sleepover or something," Rory perks up, seemingly eager at the chance of getting to hang with me, despite our relationship being quite distant.

"Yeah. We could do stereotypically girly things, like painting nails and talking about boys- or... something other than boys. And, this would be a perfect excuse for me to fill up the house with snacks," Lorelai says in her usual charming demeanour, removing her hands from her mug and clapping lightly.

"Uh, sure. That could be fun I guess. I don't really have any weekend plans anyway. Could we maybe ask Lane to come too? I know Ms. Kim likely wouldn't let her stay but I know for a fact she has missed you, Rory," Letting myself smile, this chance to get away from the cavity inducing fluff at 'Casa Danes/Hayden/Mariano' brought relaxation into my muscles for the first time in a while.

"Of course, and I am gonna bring along someone else, from Chilton. Well that is if she agrees. I've finally seemed to have broken ground with this girl Paris, on the newspaper, and I think she would appreciate meeting some new people. The private school girls can be a little... much sometimes,"

"Okay. I can grab a change of clothes and my toiletries after my shift and then head over at around 7, if that's okay with you two?" I start to get up from my chair after checking the time on the wall clock, noticing my break is over.

"Sounds great, now - Y/N, would you be a dear and get me a coffee to go? I've got some heavily processed and disgustingly high fructose snacks to shop for,"

- Third Person POV

As soon as her shift ends, Y/N throws her apron off in exhaustion, practically praising the clock hands for turning to 6:00.

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