Chapter 21: An 'Unwanted' Reunion

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After Hayato, Selene, Xander, and Yoshiki had their talk, Hayato was kind enough to escort the three of them until they reach the gates of his house. However, someone decided to that today is where they reunite with the former actor.
After their little talk, Hayato decided to be kind for today and escorted the Seiten members out until they reach past the gates. "It was nice getting to know you three. I'm looking forward to meet the rest of Seiten!" He said in a cheery tone.

"I'm excited for our weekly meetings here, Mr. Hayato!" Xander exclaimed excitedly, grinning widely at the older man who only laughed. Just on the other side of the gates, Asato already was opening the gates. However...


Hayato froze and stopped walking once he saw the figure dashing through the gates and into the area. The three Seiten members were rather confused by this too. Finn only groaned at his and Asato's lack of security for this one.

Hayato looked at the man with brown hair in shook. He didn't said a word as the man pulled him into a hug. "I missed you, Yato!" The man yelled, squeezing the former actor tightly.

"...Get off of me." Hayato demanded, and Xander could only watch as the happy and cheery tone Hayato had earlier turned into a cold and serious one. 'Well that was a complete 180...' The red rebel thought as he frowned.

And then, everyone there could hear the brunette's crying, and that's when Xander knew that these two probably knew each other before. Suddenly, he thought of the friend from high school that Hayato mentioned earlier.

'Could that guy be him...?' Xander asked to himself in his head, obviously getting no answers after that. "I said...get. Off." Hayato spoke coldly again. However, the man didn't let go.

"....Montaro. Please. Not here. You're embarrassing me." The former actor continued to tell him, but no matter how hard he tries, 'Montaro' didn't let him go. The magenta haired man could hear quiet sobbing from the brunette, and eventually, he felt bad.

"..... *Sigh* "Fine. We'll stay like this for as long as you want, but not too long, okay?" Hayato said as he hugged Montaro back, a small smile creeping it's way up to his mouth. It was silent after that.
After awhile, both men pulled away from the hug. Montaro sighed. "I missed you, y'know? I literally thought you were dead." Hayato only nodded. "Right. Sorry about disappearing like that. I just wanted to cut ties from my family, so I never really thought about how others would react to my disappearance." Montaro nodded, before laughing.

"......Okay lovebirds. Cut it out. I hate that I had to third-wheel that, y'know?" Selene suddenly spoke up. "I second that, actually!" Xander shouted, putting a finger up to the air.

"Hah?? Excuse you, you're always lovey-dovey when you're around Vivid too, so you automatically don't get the room to talk."

"H-HUH?! HEY-!"

"I-I second t-that...!"

"YOSHI?! Ugh....Not you too...!!!"

Seeing the Seiten members' antics, Hayato could only laugh. "Haha, well, you three should just head home. I'll see you all here tomorrow." He told them. The three of them obliged to that, and said their goodbyes before leaving the place.

"....You and me on the other, we need some catching up to do." Hayato spoke up, before taking Montaro's hand and dragging him into the house.
Ehheehheheeheh yeah

Ok bye for now :)

A New Tragedy Strikes...For Real! - Sequel to 'A New Hope Arises...I Guess'Where stories live. Discover now