Chapter 45: What It Feels Like To Be Compared

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[He was compared to his sister by his parents and relatives so many times.

Clearly, he had enough.]
Yuzuru looked around in a panic. First off, he had an exhausting day of work, second of all, he got kidnapped by his best friend, and third of all, now said best friend is gonna kill him. Great, just great!

"Ah....! H-hey....Jayson....My man, my dude, my bro, my dear friend, what's wrong with you tonight-? C-clearly something bad happened and--"

"Well clearly I got compared to my sister so many times and got called a failure for so many times too. So CLEARLY I've had enough of this shit." Jayson snapped back in an annoyed tone, a tone in the boy's voice that Yuzuru was NOT expecting to hear tonight.

"Jayson, y'know we can just- y'know, talk it out with your parents or something-"

"Well Yuzuru! Y'know we can just- y'know, get revenge on them! Heh, talk it out my fucking ass." Yuzuru frowned hearing that. This isn't the Jayson he knew this whole time. The Jayson he knew was this light-hearted and happy-go-lucky boy who's willing to help others in need and loves moca cream filled bread. Not...this abomination.

A sigh escapes Yuzuru's lips. "Jayson, please. I did no wrong to you, didn't I? I've never compared you to anyone or your sister ever in my life. Trust me." He reassured. "Why the fuck would you wanna get revenge on them like THIS?! This is just straight up gonna kill them!"

Jayson only huffed in response, hanging his head low as he looked at the hard floor with dead eyes. "....That's Alicia's view of 'revenge', and as a member of Fukushu, I'll have to oblige to whatever requests she asks me." He said, looking back up to the other boy with a bitter smile.

"Now...." He then raised his hand up to the air, preparing to do another move, making the black haired boy panic. "Ah- Wait! Jayson, please! We can talk about this...!" He begged, but the other boy didn't listened. Instead, he snapped his fingers then pointed it at Yuzuru.


As if on que, the robots then charged at Yuzuru. Panicking, Yuzuru tried his best to muster up as much strength as he could and punched one of the robots with as much strength as he had, sending it flying to the air. Feeling more confident about his strength, Yuzuru smirked then proceeded to kick and punch the smaller robots some more.

Meanwhile, Jayson watched in absolute disbelief. How strong even IS that guy?! Furious, Jayson then snapped his fingers again and commanded more robots to go after Yuzuru.

Yuzuru was already tired enough from beating up all of the previous robots, so seeing even more of them run after him made him feel slightly hopeless. But nonetheless, he had to fight back, or else he'll be as good as gone.

The robots are a bit more bigger than the previous ones, but not big enough for Yuzuru to not be able to beat the shit out of. He kicked one out of his way then punched another one as he ran away from even more of them.

In the midst of running, Yuzuru tries his best to make a conversation with Jayson. "Yo! Jayson, my dude, my ma- GAH-!" Yuzuru punches a nearby robot coming after him, before continuing. "My guy....Just why ME of all people you could've tried killing with these- things?!"

"Because....." Jayson trailed off for a bit, before he realized he doesn't actually have a set answer on that question. "....I don't know." "What do you MEAN you don't know?!" Yuzuru asked, kicking off another robot, still trying to continue the conversation.

".....Uh...." Jayson was unsure of what to say, and soon enough, he could feel himself panicking as he tried to find an answer to Yuzuru's question. Yuzuru grew rather impatient of waiting as he kept on fighting these robots. "WHY?!" He asked again, his voice showing even more desperation this time.

"B-because....Because....Because...!" Jayson then went silent, before snapping his fingers again. That caused the robots trying to kill Yuzuru from earlier deactivate itself. That made the black haired boy confused. "....Huh?"

".....Because it was what Alicia wanted." Jayson finally answered, grabbing Yuzuru's attention completely. "Alicia? Who the fuck is Alicia?" He asked, confused. He has never heard of the name Alicia ever in his life, and apparently Jayson knows this Alicia person...?

Jayson took a shaky breath, before exhaling it. "Uh....So, the thing is....I'm in this group filled with a bunch of people who really wanna just...get revenge on the people who wronged them, me included."

"Alicia's the leader of the group, and she noticed how I was 'slacking off' and 'not doing anything'. I wanted to prove to her I can do something, and then she gave me four days to prove to her just that."

"....So you thought that killing me, your best friend, the one who has always been by your side ever since- Well, forever was the best way to prove to her that you're worthy of something?!" Yuzuru asked furiously. Jayson looked at him blankly, before nodding.

"How....How could you...? I thought you cared about me, I thought you took whatever I gave you in order for you to feel like someone worthy of everyone's time without any complaints.....I thought...I thought we were friends. But it turns out you're willing to murder me for your own benefits." Yuzuru accused.

"Wh- Excuse me?! I never even wanted to kill you to begin with, you idiot!"

"Then why me of all people?!"

"Because I didn't know who else, okay?!" Yuzuru only stared at Jayson in disbelief. "You....You traitor." "I'm....NOT....a traitor! I didn't know who else, okay?! Believe me!" Jayson argued. "Shut the fuck up! Even if you're telling the truth, you already left me betrayed. You already betrayed my trust." Yuzuru argued back.

Jayson stood silent for a few seconds, before groaning. "Fine! I won't kill you. I'll just....find someone else!" He said. "You do know that murder is bad either way, right?" Yuzuru asked. "Shut up! I don't have any other option. It's kill or die here." The brown haired boy yelled.

"....What?" Yuzuru asked again in slight disbelief. "Ugh.....Shut the fuck up! Let me take you back home." Jayson suggested, before walking up to Yuzuru, taking him by his arm and forcefully dragging him out of the room. "I--Hey! Let go! I can walk by myself, y'know?!"

Yuzuru's protests go unheard by Jayson.
Yuzuru silently watched as Jayson rode off on his motorcycle. He had just gotten home, and just as he promised, Jayson took Yuzuru home, even if Yuzuru was initially against that idea.

Heaving a sigh, the black haired boy then walked into the house. "I'm home." He announced as he walked into the house and closed the door, before taking off his shoes and placing them on the shoe rack.

"Welcome home, cheater."

Yuzuru turned around to see Tsukushi standing by the stairs, her arms crossed as she makes a smug look on her face. "....Shut up. I don't even have a girlfriend who lives here, anyway."

To that, Tsukushi giggled. "Yeah, yeah, I was just joking. By the way, what the fuck happened to you? You look so drowned out and so tired. You were gone for so long too. Did you run into some enemies?" She asked. "Oh, uh, nothing really. Walking from my workplace to here is tiring. I was gone for so long because I had to take several breaks during my trip, hehe~" Yuzuru lied.

He didn't want his little sister of all people to get involved in this mess. "Ah, alright, I guess. How about you just...y'know, eat something. I ordered some pizza if that helps." Tsukushi said. "Oh! Pizza! Cool! Thanks, sis~!" Yuzuru said, ruffling his sister's hair, much to her dismay.

He still feels...icky on the inside, though. He wonders what he'll do if he sees Jayson at school tomorrow.

A New Tragedy Strikes...For Real! - Sequel to 'A New Hope Arises...I Guess'Where stories live. Discover now