Pt.1 [New Friend?]

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Hyunjin went home after school alone without his beloved best friend, Jisung. Why you may asked? Jisung busy walking back home with his new friend Felix just to get to know him better amd even told his best friend to walk home alone or not to wait for him after class..

Felix is a new transfer student and is in the same class as Jisung, he's pretty adorable and innocent at the same time which Hyunjin does adores him very much and with that, Hyunjin agrees to have Felix as his best friends too, plus who is Hyunjin to reject Jisung's cute eyes? but sometimes in life, trio of best friends can't really work that much especially if Hyunjin doesn't talk so much with Felix. Only just a few simple words like "Oh hi, how are you" "Yeah I'm his best friend, Hyunjin" "Yeah" " No" "It's okay"

Sounds simple and very welcoming but little does Jisung and Felix know, Hyunjin is annoyed with them both. Oh how they can talk about their class and their struggle together while Hyunjin who knows nothing about what happened in their class because Hyunjin is in the different class, can't really join the conversation really well and had to listen to their bragging and joyful chats which really annoying him so much.

And seeing his best friend closed with someone else, Hyunjin do feels sad and hurt at the same time especially if you have a crush on your own best friend which he didn't know yet. Hyunjin does have a crush on Jisung and has been wanting to confess but every time he wants to do so, the timing isn't so right..

At this point, Hyunjin doesn't know what to do, he afriad that he will lose Jisung to Felix, but at the same time, he's afraid to confess right now because Jisung might rejected him and he might lose the friendship that they have. Sounds selfish you might say but ain't it what everyone feels when they have a crush on someone especially if that someone is your own friend?

Hyunjin sighed as he reached at his home, opening the door and greeted by the smells of ramen. "I'm home," Hyunjin took off of his shoes and put it on the shoe rack as he went to the kitchen. "Did someone cook ramen?" Hyunjin saw a boy startled as he turns around to see Hyunjin, "Oh hyung! Yes, I'm cooking ramen because I'm hungry." Said the boy who is Hyunjin's little brother, Jeongin. "Oh okay. I'm going to my room then." Hyunjin went to his room after he heard Jeongin hummed as a responsed.

Hyunjin POV;;

"Ah what a day..." I sighed as I layed down on my bed after taking a short time shower and wearing a simple white t-shirt and black short pants. My long blond hair is still wet but I'm too lazy to dry it so forget that.

I stare at the ceiling as my mind refresh back to where Jisung introduced me to his new friend, Felix and how they talked to each others so comfortable and they really have so many things to say huh.. But even so, Jisung shouldn't be ignoring me and just talk to Felix all day as if I'm not there with them, ugh.. If this keep on happening, I might lose spirit to confess ahhhh what to do? Crap.

"Hyunjin ah, if you need anything, you can always ask me okay?"

'Minho hyung!! Right he can help me with this right? He should be.. Hold on I'll call him.' I thought as I remember what hyung told me on the other day when I need a help with math. I grab my phone and search for hyung number and dial call.




"What is it?"

"Hyung! Minho hyung! I need help!"

"What's wrong? If you're asking help about tutoring you, sorry I can't for today, kinda busy with something."

"Wait no, hyung it's not about that but are you really busy? Did I interrupting you?"

"For a while, no, but what is it, Hyunjin?"

"Ah.. it's about Jisung.."

"There always something wrong with that kid but go on. I'm listening."

I giggled at the first part but then continue on telling Minho hyung about what happened today at school and how I feel about it.

"New friend? Who?"

"Oh his name is Felix."

"Felix?... As in Lee Felix?"

"Yeah and how did you know his name?"



"Yes hyung?"

"He's my younger brother."

I choked-


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