Pt. 15 [Hints]

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The school was finished but Hyunjin didn't seem to move from his seat as he thought about what to ask Minho for him to go out with him. Seungmin who noticed it quickly asked "You know you could've just text him now and asked if he's free right?"

"I know but what am I supposed to say if he asks me to hangout at where? I don't even know what he likes.." Hyunjin frowned as he can't think of anything which makes Seungmin facepalm. "Dude, you know he's a cat person right? Just bring him to the cat cafe or maybe go to some restaurant and eat? I mean you guys both are foodie eaters."

"Oh yeah right. That seems nice." Hyunjin said as he quickly took out his phone and texted Minho while Seungmin looked at him in disbelief. Soon later, Hyunjin got reply saying that Minho agreed to hangout with him at the cat cafe which he quickly felt joy and happy as he scream and jump.

"Dude, you're worst than Jisung when you're happy like this." Seungmin said as he chuckled looking at his friend like this. "Oh shut up, at least I'm better than that squirrel." Seungmin rolled his eyes as he then said "Come on, others might be waiting at the school gates. Let's go." Hyunjin nods as he quickly took his bag and walked off with Seungmin as they all went home together.

At 3'o'clock, Hyunjin went to the cat cafe to meet Minho but to his surprised, Minho is already at there, playing the cats while talking with the cafe owner comfortably. Hyunjin went and greeted them both "Hey, am I late or you're just can't help but come early to play with the cats?" Hyunjin smiles as Minho blush as he can't resist the second reason.. "I guess you could say it like that." Minho said as he chuckled, they both then went seat at the table after ordering some menu that they want as the owner left them alone to talk and be comfortable.

"So, what's up?" Minho start the conversation as Hyunjin narrowed his eyes "What?" Minho rolled his eyes as he said "Why do you suddenly ask me to hang out? Did something happened again?"

Hyunjin chuckled as he shakes his head "No, I just feel like want to hang out with you.." Minho looks at him in suspicious and Hyunjin knows he can't go straightly said that he likes him and want to go out with him so he have to came up with something that's seem vulnerable enough to be his reason and make Minho believe it. "I mean, it's been a quite while since we ever get to spend time together alone... the last time we did, It was when you were graduating.." Hyunjin said as Minho nod and smile "Yeah you're right.. it's been a long time.. but hey, not my fault you were busy with your little dramas with Jisung." Hyunjin chuckled as Minho laugh a little, but the laugh seems very cute and sounds so pretty in Hyunjin's mind.. he wish to see this more often.

"Yeah, my bad but hey look on the bright side, now we have time for ourselves." Hyunjin smiles as Minho nods in agreeing. "Yeah yeah true, but hey, what's up with your crush lately? I've been wondering who is your new crush though." Hyunjin then starts to smile awkwardly as he thought for a moment "He's fine.. no worries hyung, you'll know him soon enough.." Hyunjin thought 'When I'm ready to tell you that it's you..'

Minho rolled his eyes "Come on, can't give me some hints? We all know you're gay so it can't be a girl." Minho said as Hyunjin giggled "Alright alright, I'll give you a tiny hint, he's very cute guy." Hyunjin laugh as he saw Minho frowned at his hint.

"Oh come on, we all know you're into cute boys but everyone is cute except for you if you're not gonna be telling me a real hint." Minho said in sarcasm but Hyunjin know the older is just being playful like usual as he pretend to get hurt by his words. "Damn I'm not? How cruel..."

"Alright alright, a real clue is that, he's someone I know and close with." Hyunjin said as he smiles while watching the older in front of him seems to be thinking for a bit. "Is it someone who I know?" Hyunjin nods as he smiles while thoughts 'It's literally you, hyung..'

Minho scrunch his nose as he think carefully and hard enough before he guess "Seonghwa?" Hyunjin narrowed his eyes hearing someone's else name. "Who's that?" Minho then chuckled "Remember the boy who I always talked with in my class last year? That's him. Park Seonghwa. I mean he's cute too so.." Minho giggled as Hyunjin start to look jealous though he tried to control his jealousy as he shake his head "Yeah I remember him."

"So I guess it's not him..."

"Pretty well not."

Hyunjin then thought for a moment as he recall back again Minho's words.. 'So does he like Seonghwa hyung back then? He even call him cute.. but wait I thought Felix said that he's into long hair and pretty people..'

[A/n: I feel like making this a sad ending, don't know why but we'll see anyways have a great day today]

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