Pt.17 [Going To Meet]

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At lunch, Hyunjin seems doesn't have an appetite to eat his food which makes all his friends and his little brother worried but Jisung being the typical him "Dude, if you won't eat that food, it's better you give it to me than keep on poking it." Jisung said and with that Hyunjin pushed his plate to Jisung as he sigh "Just have it.. I don't feel like eating anyways." Jisung gladly take it but got smack softly by Felix "Ouch, what? He gave it so it's fine."

"Seriously, what actually happened Hyunjin? Why you're so sad so sudden?" Jisung asked as he ate the food that Hyunjin gave him. Felix sigh as he answer for his boyfriend's question. "He went hangout with Minho hyung yesterday.."

"So? Why sad? shouldn't he be happy that Minho hyung gladly want to hangout with him?" Jisung asked in confusion. Seungmin groan as he rolled his eyes "He and Minho hyung went on guessing Hyunjin's new crush then Minho guess that is it him.. and Hyunjin went panicked then quickly ran off to go home." Seungmin asnwered as Jisung make that Σ(·口·) face. "He did what?!! You fucking ditch your own crush man?!" Jisung went shocked as he look at Hyunjin in disbelief making Hyunjin gone frowning in guilty and regretted even more as he slam his face on the table.

Jeongin as the best younger brother, quickly pat Hyunjin's back to soothing and calming him down. "Aw come on, Hyung, I'm sure you'll be fine.." Jeongin said trying to calm the older down and Felix follow Jeongin too "Yeah, relax, Hyunjin.. I'm sure Minho hyung will understand that you're just panicking.. I mean as long as you tell him the real reason.." Felix said but Hyunjin shook his head.

"Noooo... I can't tell him.." Hyunjin mumbled but then Seungmin sigh and snapped a bit as he starts to get annoyed with Hyunjin's scaredy cat behavior. "Then what? You prefer to see him go with someone else then?"

"What? Of course not!"

"Then confess to him, you idiot! Until when you want to be like this? Take what happened with you, Jisung and Felix as a lesson and not makung the same mistake!" Seungmin snapped but then he sighed "Come on, I know you can do it, Hyunjin."

Hyunjin look down as he thought for a moment while frowning. "But how? I can't even say a word without running away.." Hyunjin mumbles as they all seem to think for a way and stay silent but then soon enough, Jeongin break the silent.

"Hey, what about Chan hyung's help?" Jeongin gave out an idea as Felix seems to remember again "Oh yeah I did said before that Chan hyung have the same story as you, Hyunjin.."

"But we don't have his phone number?" Jisung question but Felix smiling mischievously as he raises his phone "I already have it now.."

"Great! Felix, go ask Chan hyung whether if he's free or not after school. We can go meet him together and ask for his opinion." Seungmin suggested as Felix immediately nod and quickly went to send a text to Chan meanwhile Felix texting with Chan, Hyunjin continue to frowned "Do I really have to confess?"

"You like him right?" Seungmin asked as he stared at Hyunjin which gladly got response with a nod by the taller boy. "You want him right?" He asked again and got another response by Hyunjin "Yeah.."

"Then why bother to ask that question, idiot?" Seungmin said in annoyance tone as he rolled his eyes. Hyunjin groaned as he pressed his forehead down to the table hardly. Obviously not ready to confess even though he really have to. After a while of soundless noice, Felix finally break it as he excitedly said

"Yo! Chan hyung said he could probably give some help, let's meet him all together after school!" Jeongin nods in cheerful as he agreed to meet all together and listen for Chan's advice for Hyunjin.

"If this is good for me then let's go, I guess." Hyunjin sounds depressing as Seungmin flick his forehead and so, the group of teenagers agreed in excitement as they're all waste their time in school for the rest of the day until the school ended.

[A/n: enjoy]

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