Pt.7 [Apologized, Misunderstood]

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After bought Felix and the others meet Chan and Changbin, they all went home because they hang out till late night, plus they're still have a school tomorrow morning. Minho right now is in his bedroom, laying down on his bed as he smiled, thinking about a successful surprise for his little brother, he then was about to sleep until his phone vibrated as someone was calling him. Picking up his phone, seeing the names he quickly answered the call.

"Minho hyung.."

Hearing those crack voices, sniffled sounds, Minho quickly sat up as he asked. "Hyunjin? Are you okay? Were you crying??" The question make Hyunjin more like crying as he burst on tears which definitely Minho can guess by now.

"Yah! Yah! What's wrong?!"

Minho is getting worried at this point.

"Hyung! I received a text from Jisung that he said he want to confess to Felix tomorrow at school during recess!!"

Hyunjin said as Minho then not so suprised, replied back. "Oh that? Yeah he told me earlier, well more like he told me, Jeongin and Seungmin too."


Minho laugh awkwardly as he says "I mean, look at you now, how would we tell you about it if we know you're going to cry like this?"

"You still could've tell me.."

"Fine fine.. now what do you want to do?"

"I don't know..."

"You know you can't keep on avoiding it forever, Seungmin told me about you keep on avoiding Jisung. From what I see, he's really upset. Is this really what you want, Hyun?" Minho questioned and again, using the word 'Hyun' making Hyunjin's heart goes L.O.V.E... anyways-

"... Hyung, what should I do?"

Minho chuckled. "Why are you guys always like this since last year? What you should do right now is apologize, Hyun. APOLOGIZE TO HIM. If you asked me, better apologize face to face tomorrow." Minho said as he pressed out the word apologize.

"Ah hyung!~ I'm too scared to even meet him..." Hyunjin whined as Minho laughed. "Why would you be scared? You guys are best friend! Also isn't it a perfect timing for you to actually confess your real feelings toward him when you're apologize? Better to tell the real reason than hiding." Minho suggested.

"You think?"

"Of course dumbo~ Better tell him before he confess to Felix first. Alright, Hyun?"

"If you say so then..." Hyunjin huffed as Minho chuckled. "Alright Hyun, go to sleep, tomorrow you have school. I wish you a good luck and goodnight!!" Minho wished as he hang up the phone after they bid a goodbye to each other. With that, he went to sleep.

Next morning, at school..

Hyunjin come early just to wait for that squirrel boy at the school's gate. After a couple of minutes, he saw Jisung coming while cutely pulling his sleeves of his hoodie and playing with it. 'Cute' Hyunjin thought as he then called out for the boy.


Jisung startled at the called as he turn around to see Hyunjin is waving his hand at hime and signaling him to come over to him, which he did. "Finally you're here, I was waiting for you.." Hyunjin said as he huff. Jisung then look at him in confused. "I thought you're still mad at me.." Hyunjin narrowed his eyebrow in more confusion, 2 times more confused than Jisung. "Why would I be mad at you?" Jisung tilt his head. "Because I keep bugging you to help me about confessing-"

Hyunjin quickly stop Jisung from finishing that word as he shooked his words. "No! No, you're misunderstood. I- I'm not mad... at you. I was just mad at myself that's all." Hyunjin hesitantly said as he look down making Jisung curious. "Why?"


Jisung rolled his eyes. "Why are you mad at yourself?" Hyunjin thought for a bit while before he sigh. "For being a coward.." Hyunjin mumbles quitely but Jisung didn't catch up. "What?"

"Ah forget that, I'm actually want to say that I'm sorry for ignoring you for the past 3 days.. Please forgive me?" Hyunjin plead Jisung for forgiveness but Jisung pout. "I would only if you tell me the reason why." Jisung said as Hyunjin bite his bottom lips, cat got his tounge as he don't know how to explained or what to say. Let's just say he's being a coward again.

"So?" Jisung is getting impatient now as he crossed his arms as he stared at Hyunjin who still bother to move or say anything.. and before he could say something, It was too late, like cursed yourself Hyunjin.


They both turn their head to see Felix running towards them in happily, Hyunjin can see Minho is in the car, giving the younger a soft smile and nod before he left for work he guessed.

"Ah Felix! You're here!" Jisung got so bubbly and happy as he hug the younger and Felix giggled but still hug him back. Then he noticed, Hyunjin is there too. "Oh hey there, Hyunjin! What are you guys doing here? Oh, did I interrupt something?" Felix asked as Hyunjin put his words on his thoughts 'Pretty much.' as the boy pout.

Jisung on the other side, shooked his head as he said "Oh don't worry, you didn't actually interrupt, Hyunjin was about to apologize for ignoring me for the past 3 days," Felix nods and smile in understandable. "But I still demand a reason tho, Hyunjin?" Jisung said as both of the youngest stare at the older as they waiting.

Hyunjin groaned as he shooked his head. "You know what. there's actually no reason, I guess I was just to fed up with my life that's all. And here I am apologizing for that, but still I am sorry so if you don't want to forgive me, I understand. I get going first, class is waiting after all." Hyunjin said as he walked off faster so that the younger can't stop him or run after him but his paced started to slow down when he heard their conversation behind his back.

"Aish, what's up with him?" Jisung questioned as Felix just lift his shoulder, means that he also don't know. "Oh, anyways, Felix! When it's recess time, can we go to the rooftop for a minutes? I have something to say with you." Jisung said as Felix nods and smiles. "Of course. Sure."

Hyunjin is more than just a word annoyed, he then don't want to hear anymore further, walk more faster than before as he look down, doesn't care where his feet leading him to but what he really sure is that he's not going to his class at all.

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