Pt.13 [Ask, Suspicious]

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It's monday and school time~♡ Jisung and Felix are being lovely together while Seungmin and Jeongin are being disgusting at the other couple together and then we have Hyunjin. He's both disgusting and disappointed in his friends.

Anyways, Hyunjin already thought about it since ever, so he decide to ask Felix about it. "Hey Felix," Felix hummed in response as Hyunjin clear his throats. "Do you know what type does Minho hyung likes?" The boys stare at Hyunjin then look back at Felix who is blinking his eyes in confusion. "Type of what exactly?"

"A type of.. person?"

"You mean like friends? or partners? type for partner?"

Hyunjin nods "Yeah yeah, partner. So what is it?" Felix thought about it. "He did say that he likes someone who is pretty." Felix's words makes everyone looks so confused. "Wait are you saying that he's straight?" Seungmin asked as Felix shrugged. "I don't know, he never said that he's gay in the first place but he also never said that he's straight at all.. conclusions, he's in his own world, no one knows about it." Felix said but then Hyunjin sighed.

"Does this mean I have no chances at all?" Hyunjin mumbled but everyone heard him. "So it's true then," Hyunjin startled as he looked confused "Huh?" Felix smiling while wiggling his eyebrow "you have a crush on Minho hyung!" Hyunjin let out a small awkward laugh as he try to denied that. "N- No I'm not!"

"Come on, Hyunjin, I already know the truth. There's no need to be secret with your friends anymore." Seungmin said as Jisung gasped. "What?! Seungmin knows about it first before me?" Pray for Hyunjin's life.

"Jisung, my boy, calm down." Felix helps by calming his boyfriend down from getting angry with Hyunjin which Jisung follows immediately. "And Hyunjin, if you're asking me about Minho hyung, I can't say for sure that he's straight or gay, I'll try to ask him later if you want?" Hyunjin's eyes sparkled. "Can you?" Felix smile warmly as he nods. "Of course!"


At Lee brothers house, Felix got home after school as he quickly search for his brother but there's no sign that he's home so he decided to just take a shower and change clothes first.

After he's done changing clothes, he waits for Minho at the living room but still no avail, so he just went to cook something first since he's hungry but he make sure to make enough for him and Minho too.

While he was cooking, Minho suddenly arrived as he went to the couch and fell on it. Felix who can guess that Minho is home quickly ask him "Hyung, you're late today, what's up?"

Minho mumbled underneath the sheet of the couch which make Felix can't hear him. "What are you saying, bro?" Minho lift his head as he sighed. "Found a stray cat then proceed to go to the animal pharmacy. Took me a while but here I am." Minho answered. "Eh you didn't take home the cat?"

"Boy, you think this house is a zoo? I already have sooni, doongi and dori, plus you." Minho said then stand up as he went to the kitchen to see what Felix is doing. "Yah! I'm not a cat!" Minho laugh "Yeah right, go ask mom about it." Felix rolled his eyes.

"By the way, smell nice, what are you cooking?" Felix turns around as he proceed to serve the food. "kimchi jjigae.. I used the kimchi that mom send to us. I already cook the rice, you can grab it by yourself." Minho nods as he took the rice for him and Felix, after that they proceed to eat together. It was quite peaceful until Felix asked Minho the question.

"Hey hyung," Minho hummed in response while his mouth is full of food. "Hyung, are you gay or straight?" Minho choked on his own food as Felix quickly hand over the drinks. "W-Why are you asking that??" Felix shrugged. "I mean, you never been in relationship so I never know if you're gay or something.." Minho stare at Felix. weirdly as he chugging down the drink.

"Why? Why you want to know?" Felix think for something to cover himself and not exposed the real reasons. "Uh.. no reason? Just wondering about it." Minho stare at him in suspicion. "Huh really? You do realized that you're bad at lying, don't you?" Felix blink his eyes as he still tryna denied it. "Uh.. n-no?" Minho sighed as he knows his younger brother is lying, I mean that boy really don't know how to lie, he's just too pure.

"Fine I won't push you to say why you ask that.." Minho said and Felix is waiting for the answer patiently. "So?" Minho keep on eating as he hummed. "Take a guess." Felix then give it a thought and try to guess.

"I would guess that you're straight because I remember that you used to say that you're into someone who is pretty and have a long hair which I guess girls?" Felix guessed after putting some sense in his words but it's totally wrong to Minho. "Yah, being pretty and have a long hair doesn't mean only girls can have that. Boys can too." Minho scold as Felix just smile awkwardly. "So gay then?" Minho shooked his head.

"I'm bisexual, bro, but thanks for actually trying to guess my sexual even tho I feel the urge to smack your head." Minho finally revealed his sexual as Felix gasp. "So you like both genders?" Minho nods while Felix keeps on gasping air, making the older worried about Felix's health now. "What's up with you? Got asthma so suddenly?" Felix giggled as he shook his head. "Nah just happy for you." Minho nods before he goes back to eating.

"So Hyunjin does have a chance.." Felix mumbled as Minho narrowed his eyebrow. "What?" Felix quickly shooked his head. "Nothing Nothing!" Minho rolled his eyes then continue on eating his foods, followed by Felix who can't stop smiling for now.

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