Pt.19 [Take My Advice]

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After the whole questioning and thoughts about the Jungwoo guy, the group of teenagers went back to walking so they could proceed to go to their real destination and seek help from Chan. As soon as they got to the location cafe where they're supposed to meet Chan at, they saw Chan was sitting at one of those table in that cafe and was taking a sip of his coffee cup while playing with his phone. Felix was the first one to greet the elder.

"Hey hyung, we're here."

The older boy lift his head up to see the boys taking their seat either next to him or infront of him. Chan smile at them as his cute cheeky dimple show up making his aura brighten everyone's day whoever looking at him. "Oh hey kids. How's school?" He asked softly.

"The school was nothing special, what about you hyung? Also, are we late or you're just too early?" Seungmin talking and questioning at the same time as Chan let out a small soft chuckled before he answer the younger's questioned. "No, no you're not that late.  I was just arrived anyways and yeah, my day is just like usual to be honest, nothing fun to be exact, but thank you for asking." He took a deep breathe before he smile and add more. "So, we're here because you guys need an advice from me right?"

"Not really, it's Hyunjin who is in need for your help actually." Seungmin said as everyone look at the tall boy in the group as Chan tilting his head in surprised. "Ah really? What help do you need, Hyunjin?" Chan asked in curiosity. Everyone wait for Hyunjin's answer as the taller boy took a deep breath first before he answer in shy way. "It's about Minho hyung... y-you know.. like confessing..?" Chan then let out a small laugh as he adore the cuteness that the younger hold before he reply back with a soft caring tone. "Ahh.. is that so?" The younger boy nodded in shyness.

"You know, when it's come to confessing to someone you like, you have to be honest, be open and direct. You have to let him know that you're interest in him... uh well rather that interest, it's more like you have to show him that you're in love with him if you prefer to stay with him till you know...die?" Chan said as he took a sip of his coffee cup then Jeongin interrupt as he said "But Hyunjin hyung is too timid, we already told him and gave him every advice but he keeps on ignoring it." The other boys agreed with Jeongin's statements.

"Aish, it's not like I don't want to confess... I just don't have the courage to say it, I don't have the confident to confess...I just.." Hyunjin went quite as he try to think the right words to describe onto why he can't confess his feeling already.

"Have you ever realised that you're actually don't want to admit rather than scared?"

The boys look up at Chan in surprised and confusion. "W-what do you mean?" Hyunjin kinda looked a bit surprised but also seems so nervous, is  it because he's scared that Chan know his real feeling? Or he's just nervous that he might realized his true feeling. Chan smile softly before he sigh and said "You actually don't want to admit anything about your feeling, am I right? Sure you like Minho but you're scared to confess and stuff... but the real reason right now is that you're actually don't want to admit that you have a feeling toward him because you think that it's weird to like Minho right? Out of sudden..? I mean, I heard a story about you guys from Minho himself and you once had a crush on Jisung but somehow, the feeling changes turn to Minho instead.. am I right or am I not?" Chan smirk in checkmate as soon as he saw the younger sigh heavily and nod slowly.

"Y-yeah.. I kinda feel it's weird... because it was out of sudden and I'm not even sure if I really like him that way but then.. every time he called me by a nickname, it's somewhat make my heart fluttered.. and not just that, I can't even look at him talking with other person without feeling of jealousy.. I don't think it's normal and I don't want to admit it at all because.. I don't know why either..." Hyunjin softly said as he sound so frust yet sorrow.

Chan smile before he chuckled. "I'll tell you what, I also can relate with the same feeling you're facing right now. The first time I met Changbin, we're both are just friends, just a college friends but that was until one day, I saw Changbin talking with someone else other than me.. I can feel the feeling of jealousy, the same you're talking about right now, Hyunjin.." Chan smiles as he saw the youngers giving him a full of attention with the look of curiosity, then the older continue on telling his love life story.

"I thought the feeling was just because of I feel like he's having another friend instead of me and I thought I'm just worried that I might left alone. But as that goes on for month, I realized that I actually in love with him, and all those thoughts before was because my dumb brain don't want to admit nor taking it to my heart. I was so stupid that I just realized that day that I don't want to lose him to anyone else, I want him and I only need him in my life because all of those time we were together, I felt so happy that even the aura that surrounding us, brighten more than the sun. But during that month where I keep on insisting and ignoring the feeling because I don't want to admit the feeling, somehow, the aura around me change... It feel like I just lose my hope to live."

The boys were too immersed in the story especially Hyunjin who could feel it to his heart. "So then what did you do?" Jisung asked as Chan smiles "I took my shot and confess." Hyunjin then look surprised and a bit lost. "T-That easy?" Chan sigh as he shook his head before he says. "Nothing is easy in this life, Hyunjin. If you want something, make sure to try hard to get it because nothing is free but all the hard work may pay off your things in life. So,if you want him, you have to confess."


"Take my advice, Hyunjin. Time is gold, use it well and don't waste any of your time.. don't make the same mistake again nor the history, take what happened to you, Jisung and Felix before as a lessons.  You can take your time to ready yourself from your mental and heart to confess but don't take it too long or the chance will be disappear. Like I said before, Minho have all the people's eyes out there, the chance are low if you keep wasting your time.. who knows one day before you could even confess, he's already with someone that you guys don't even know. I know it's not easy to confess but all I can say is that, put all the overthinking to the side when you're confessing."

[A/n: fuck my friend groupTT]

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