Pt.11 [Can't Resist It]

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Hyunjin and the Lee brothers arrived at Seungmin's house. Hyunjin knocked on the boy's door as someone opened it in a hurry to see it was Jisung, they were staring at each other awkwardly before Jisung looked behind to see Minho and Felix. Felix and Jisung cried as they both ran toward each other as they hugged tightly.  "Huwa Hannie!! I'm sorry!"

Seungmin and Jeongin who just show up at the door look at what happened as they both judge the boys who are hugging each other. "So dramatic.." Hyunjin just stares at them while smiling softly. 'At last, it's over.' Lol you thought it was over dumbo, this story is about you not them. Meanwhile Minho who is standing behind the hugging 'soon to be couple' is disgusted by the view.

"Oh my god, I wish I had someone to cover my eyes rather than seeing this disgusting drama you all children made." Minho said out loud making Jisung and Felix groan and whine, while Seungmin chuckled and for the Hwang brothers, they laugh hardly.

"Now come on, let's go inside, I don't want my neighbor to think we're doing some kdrama." Seungmin as everyone get inside. As they all sat down, which Felix and Jisung are cuddling, Seungmin sat right next to Hyunjin with Jeongin sat on his laps, Minho sat at the next to Hyunjin while judging the people infront of him which are Jisung and his brother, Felix.

"So I guess you all watched the videos I send to Jeongin." Minho started the conversation as the 3 boys nods and with that Jisung look at Hyunjin. "Hyunjin.. I'm sorry that I made you cry and didn't realize that you have feelings for me... I'm really sorry." Jisung apologized as Hyunjin shooked his head while chuckled. "No, it's okay. That was an old feeling anyways, let's all forget about it." Hyunjin said as Jeongin nods. "Yeah! Forget that and Jisung hyung, you should confess again and this time, let's be a real couple together!" Jeongin said as everyone cooed, Jisung chuckled as he looked at Felix, dearingly while Felix smiles.


Skip to where Felix have accept Jisung confession after the squirrel boy confess for the 2nd time..

"Finally the drama is over, not gonna lie, it's hurt my eyes seeing this kind of view." Minho said as he pointed out to where Jisung and Felix are cuddling, while Jeongin sat on Seungmin's laps as Seungmin put his arm around Jeongin's waist. Everyone chuckled as Seungmin then had an idea. "Well you can use Hyunjin as to hug someone if you're jealous with us being happy couple." Seungmin suggested as the others also agreed.

Hyunjin who flustered with sudden suggesting quickly look at Seungmin. "What the hell-?" he yell whispered as Seungmin laugh at his reaction, Hyunjin's cheeks turn red which make everyone snicker while Minho poke the boy's cheek while grinning. "Yah, I didn't even hug you yet and you already blushing?~ Aww so cute, Hyun~" Hyunjin being a panicked gay right now he quickly back away as he shook his head, denying that he is blushing while covering his face which make Minho laugh. "I'm just kidding, relax, Hyun. plus there's no way I'm hugging you." Minho said as Hyunjin pout hearing the last words.

"Why not?"

"Oh so you do want it?"

"I shouldn't have asked that.."

Everyone laugh happily watching the olders. Minho stare at Hyunjin as he smile. "I mean yeah, why would I hug you and when you're in love with 'someone'?" Minho smiles that make his eyes disappeared and also making Hyunjin's heart go it's like a polaroid love~

"Y-Yeah right.." Hyunjin stuttered trying to cover himself as he realized that Minho doesn't know yet or does he? Minho chuckled softly. After the whole conversation, all of them decide to watch some movies while hanging out all together.

Everyone was so focus watching the movie because it's marvel of course, but Hyunjin keep on staring at Minho rather than focus on the movie making Minho noticed that. "What is it, Hyun?" Minho ask quitely don't want to disturb the others who are watching the movies. Hyunjin clear his throat before he speak his mind. "Hyung, are you really dating that curly hair boy?" That question making Minho snicker as he turn around  to look at Hyunjin's face full of curiosity.

"And you believe my words?" Hyunjin nods as Minho chuckled. "Of course not, Hyun. Even though he is my cousin, but I only see him as my brother and nothing more. Plus he already have a boyfriend who soon going to be his fiancé." Minho answered the latter's question as Hyunjin nods in understandable.

"Oh, is that so? Well, congrats to them then.." Hyunjin said as Minho nods. "Oh Hyun," Hyunjin hummed in response as he look at Minho. "I still want to know who is that your new crush.." Minho said making Hyunjin not knowing what to say but chuckled as he ruffled the older's hair. "Maybe not now, okay hyung?" Minho rolled his eyes and pout. "Fine~" Hyunjin let out a small laugh as he hug the older. "Hyung you're so cute when you're pouting!" Minho flustered with the sudden compliment Hyunjin gave him. "T- Thank you, Hyun..?" Minho stuttered making the latter adores him very much and making him thinking

'Why now I see Minho hyung this adorable? I mean look at his ears! It turns red as soon as I compliment him, gosh this hyung! I can't resist it!'

Hyunjin stare at Minho lovingly while hugging the older while Minho just being all flustered and confused onto what just happened right now. The others who secretly watch their little conversation, adores the older so much as they find it cute and with that, they can guess who is Hyunjin's new crush except Seungmin who already knows it from the start, just smiles proudly of his friend.

[Just like Minho said, you can't resist it]

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