Pt. 10 [The Truth]

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Hyunjin goes to the school the next day as he quickly searches for Seungmin. As soon as he saw Seungmin sitting at his own desk. he quickly went toward him. "Seungmin!" The latter turned his head in startled but as soon as he saw Hyunjin, he rolled his eyes. "Good morning, blockhead." Hyunjin sat next to him as he replied 'good morning'.

"Yah! Is it true? Felix rejected Jisung's confession??" Seungmin sighed. "Yeah, I don't know why but they treat each other like a complete stranger after that especially Felix.." Hyunjin stared blankly as he thought..

'I thought Felix like Jisung?'

"But hey, look on the bright side, you still have a chance to confess your love to Jisung." Seungmin said as Hyunjin chuckled then shook his head. "No, I don't need to." Seungmin narrowed his eyebrows. "The feeling for Jisung, I kinda felt out.."

"How so?"

"Minho hyung."

Seungmin blink in confusion. "Wait are you telling me you have feelings toward Minho hyung instead of Jisung??" Hyunjin nods and before Seungmin could ask some more, Hyunjin spoke up. "Long short story. I discovered my true feelings when I skipped school yesterday with the help of my mom of course." Seungmin still in his confusion era. "So you're okay now?"

"Not really.." Hyunjin sighed as he rethinking back about Minho's cousin who kissed Minho's forehead yesterday, he still didn't know if they were nothing more than just brotherhood(〃'𓎟'〃). "Minho hyung has a boyfriend.." Seungmin gasped "W-what? who? when? How did you know that?"

"Yesterday I saw him with someone who said that it was his cousin, and he kissed Minho's forehead... Minho even told me that you all already met him." Hyunjin told the story about yesterday as Seungmin tilted his head as he narrowed his eyebrow. "Minho's... cousin? You mean Bang Chan hyung?? The one who have stupid curly blond hair??" Hyunjin nods as Seungmin stare at Hyunjin weirdly. "And how are you so sure that he is Minho's boyfriend?"

"Because he kiss Minho's forehead?"

Seungmin facepalmed as he gave the judging look to Hyunjin. "The fuck are you on about, Dumbass? Look if you kiss your brother, Jeongin's forehead, would you still consider it as a couple??" Hyunjin quickly shook his head in disgusted. "The fuck bro? Of course no! We're brothers!"

"That's the thing!! They're nothing more than a completely brothers! Plus, Chan hyung already have a boyfriend." Hyunjin realization hit as he facepalm. "Oh so they're not couple at all?" Seungmin nods as he let out a long sighed. "Your jealousy is getting over you, Hyunjin. You didn't even met the boy properly, did you?"

"Yeah,no. I guess you're right, I'm too dumb to realized." Seungmin rolled his eyes. "Thank god you finally realized that you're dumb." Hyunjin gasp as he glare at Seungmin. "Oh shush you!"

"Whatever, so now what? Since you're okay with Jisung in love with someone else now, should we properly help them out now?" Seungmin questioned as Hyunjin nods. "Yeah I think we should."

"Be sure not to ran away again this time or else I'm beating the shit out of you." Hyunjin gulp as Seungmin are holding with his medal pencil case, ready to beat the older any time soon. "No no. I won't." Seungmin nods "Good then. So what's the plan?" Hyunjin thought for a while before giving out his idea.

"We'll just go asked Felix at recess time while we leave Jeongin to Jisung." Seungmin nods in agreement, well at least Jisung needs someone to cried out about the failing confession.

But turns out the plan also fail as they just find out that the freckle boy didn't go to school today. "He didn't?!" Hyunjin asked as Jisung nods while sobbing. "I don't know if I did something wrong to him... We were getting so well at first but now, he's avoiding me just like you did, Hyunjin!!" Jeongin pat the elder's back as he hug Jisung. "Ouch, that must be hurt but poor you hyung.." Hyunjin on other hand, felt sorry for avoiding the boy before.

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