Pt.3 [Crap, Help]

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"Yah, Hyunjin, what took you so long?" Jisung asked Hyunjin who just arrived at the school gate while the other two were waiting for him. "Got some chitchat with Seungmin before I left." Hyunjin answered as then they started to walk away to Felix's house and while they were walking, Jisung asked again.

"What's up with Seungmin?"

"Oh he wants to come over to my house, to see his boyfriend of course, so I let him and I also told him that I won't be home after school which he's fine with and might tell Jeongin about it for me." Hyunjin explained as Jisung nods. "Ah is that so? Mhm I see~"

"Who is Seungmin and Jeongin?" Felix asked as he got a little bit confused with their conversation which is why he has Jisung to help him out. "Oh Jeongin is Hyunjin's little brother, he's in grade 11 unlike Seungmin is Hyunjin's classmate and also deskmate. They're dating each other." Jisung explained to Felix who is before confused and now understood.

"Oh you have a little brother, Hyunjin?"


"I see.. but hey isn't it Seungmin the top 1 student in our grade and school? I heard some girls talking about him in our class." Felix asked as Hyunjin and Jisung both nods. "Wow, that's cool." Now that they all continue to walk until they've reached Felix's house which is Minho's house too and this is where Jisung got confused.

"Here we are." Felix said as he stands in front of his house's gate. Jisung then looks at Felix with so much confusion. "Felix.. are you sure you're not wrong or something? I mean you just transferred here from Australia.." Jisung asked as he's a bit concerned that Felix might lead to the wrong house because he definitely recognizes this house. It's Minho's.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Are you 100% sure?"

Felix looks confused as Hyunjin sighs and then tends to say something making both of the younger more confused and shocked. "Minho hyung is your brother right, Felix?"

"Yea.. how do you know?"

"Wait WHAT?!"

Hyunjin sighs and then opens the gate by himself and says "Minho hyung told me about it last night, now come on, I have something to talk about with hyung." Hyunjin went inside leaving the other two confused.


Inside The Lee's House...

"Hyung, I'm home and I bring my friends too, to introduce them to you but I guess they already know you.." Felix said as the boys standing in front of Minho who was leaning on the sofa, with a cup of tea on his left hand, smirking when he saw the boys standing in front of him. "Oh well hello dorks~ Nice to meet you all, I'm Lee Felix's brother, Minho. Lee Minho." He introduced himself then chuckled after he heard Jisung shouting while Hyunjin just ignored it and sigh.

"YAH HYUNG! YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT YOU HAVE A LITTLE BROTHER!! AND WHY HYUNJIN KNOWS ABOUT IT WHILE I DON'T?!" Minho laughed his ass off as he then walked near the boys. "If it wasn't because Hyunjin told me about you guys friends with Felix last night, no one would ever know till now, but hey! Now you know about it, be happy or else I would have put some tissues down your throat." Minho said as Jisung pouted. "Still not fair.."

"Um.. so how do you guys know each other?" Felix asked as Jisung was about to say something but was cut off by Minho. "Long short story, I was their senior last year." Minho said but then Jisung added something. "A popular senior." Followed by Hyunjin who says "And also our babysitter last year because we always bring trouble to him."

Minho sighs and rolls his eyes when rethinking his life decision when he remembers back his memories last year. "Yeah totally troublesome, I hope it's not going to happen to you too, Felix."

"Oh hush you hyung, we will take care of Felix much better than you do~" Jisung said as he hugged Felix who giggled with Jisung's funny behaviour. Hyunjin just stood there, not even agreeing or saying anything but just staring at how Jisung hugging Felix.

"Right then, anyways, I have something to do, if you guys need anything, just come to my room. Felix, the food is on the table, I already cooked for 3 of you, so it should be enough." Minho said as Felix replied "Yes hyung." After Minho went to his room, Felix asked if the boys wanted to play some games and they agreed..

They had so much fun playing it but it's only for Jisung and Felix, no one noticed how Hyunjin feels like he's outsider. As the time goes on, he felt bored so he excused himself to go to Minho's room. "Umm, guys, I forgot I have something to say to Minho hyung, you guys can go on play without me."

"Huh? What is it?" Jisung paused as he look at Hyunjin in confused. "Nothing, just about tutoring me, you know?" Hyunjin covers as he lied, not wanting to tell the truth to the younger. "Oh okay then, Felix, let's play mario kart next!"

"Okay, Hannie!" Felix replied, and again, that nickname making Hyunjin stunned as he looks at how unbother Jisung is, he sighs as he then proceeds to go to Minho's bedroom.

Hyunjin reached to Minho's bedroom as he knock 3 times before hearing Minho's voice. "Come in." With that, Hyunjin opened the door and went slumped on Minho's bed after closing back the door. Minho looks at his own bed to see Hyunjin laying down on his bed.

"What's wrong, Hyunjin?"

"Hyung, please help me.." Hyunjin mumbled underneath Minho's pillow which make Minho only hear some ruffling noice. "What? I can't hear you, dumbass." Minho said as he sighed, stand up from his working area, and went to sit next to Hyunjin. Hyunjin turn his head to side to see Minho is next to him. "Help me hyung.. I can't faced this all day.." Hyunjin started to tear up, making Minho confused but then start to pick up the pace.

"Is this about Jisung and Felix?" Hyunjin nods as Minho chuckled making Hyunjin look at Minho in confused. "Jealous huh?" Hyunjin hesitant to admit but he admit it anyways. "Yeah..." Hyunjin answered with a soft voice. Minho laughed at the younger making Hyunjin quickly sat up and glare at the older. "Hyung!!" Hyunjin whined. "Okay, okay! Alright then, tell me what happened first before anything."

Hyunjin throw a bombastic side eye, criminal offensive side eye to his hyung before he started to explained what happened.

"Ah so he called your 'soon to be boyfriend' by Hannie which you said before that Jisung said that to you that he hate that nickname 5 years ago but hearing it again from someone else, you see that Jisung is okay with it?" Hyunjin nods. "Oh wow maybe Jisung took a like on Felix?" Hyunjin looks at Minho with sad expression. "You're no helping at all hyung.." Hyunjin mumbled but Minho heard that as he laugh.

"Oh come on, Hyun-ah! Isn't it a bit obvious? but okay fine, to make your heart happy for a bit, I'm not saying that you don't have a chance at all, just try your luck and confess, Hyunjin. Who knows he might actually accept your confession?"

Hyunjin stare at Minho in stunned after he heard Minho called him by 'Hyun' for the first time, and to be honest, he can feel like his heart beating so fast but choose to ignored it for now. "You think I should?"

"If you're brave enough then yes."

"When do you think I should confess?"

"Whenever you're ready, Hyunjin, whenever you're ready."

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