Pt.5 [Annoyed, Avoid]

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Jisung has been bugging Hyunjin to help him about how to confess to Felix ever since he told him about his crush on Minho's younger brother. But gotta say that it's really annoying if they keep on asking about it everyday and not leaving us alone right? That's what Hyunjin is feeling, he felt annoyed.

"Hyunjin ah~ How should I tell him? Do you think I should just straight up confess or ask him to go out first?" Hyunjin groaned in frustrated as Jisung keep on asking that question since ever. "Jisung, if you want him so bad, just straight up confess!! Don't bother asking me, there's no point!" Hyunjin shouted at his best friend who is startled with it. Hyunjin then realized as he bit his lower lips and sighed.

"I'm sorry, I have something more important to do, Jisung. Go ask someone else, maybe Minho hyung." Hyunjin said as he then excused himself to go back to his class where he saw Seungmin is doing his homework at his on desk. Jisung on the other hand, stunned and confused but at the same time he just think positif maybe the older is not in the mood so he thoughts that he should just asked Minho himself.

"You got here early than the ring bell, what's up?" Seungmin asked as he feel another presence sitting next to him, slump his head on the desk. "Jisung... he won't stop bothering asking about that." Hyunjin answered as Seungmin chuckled. "That boy.. he should have asked Minho hyung's help instead of you who failed miserably on confessing love to his own best friend." Seungmin said as he snicker making Hyunjin glaring at him. Seungmin already know that Jisung is in love with Felix since the first time he saw how annoying he is whenever he's with Felix.

It was recess time as Hyunjin and Seungmin is the only one who is in the class. Before, Hyunjin was going to the cafeteria with Jisung because that boy is hungry and Felix didn't come to school today so he asked Hyunjin to accompany him. Why Felix didn't go to school today? He is sick- Poor boy got sick making Minho have to work at home just to take care of the boy.

"Anyways, have you give up on your love to Jisung, Hyunjin?" Seungmin asked as Hyunjin didn't give any answered making him stop doing his homework and look to his deskmate. Hyunjin looks so hopeless when hearing that. "I.. Don't know." Hyunjin replied as he didn't realized, a single tear drop down to his cheeks which Seungmin saw it.

"Hyunjin, do you ever think to risk it? Your friendship with Jisung?" Seungmin turn his body and chair toward to Hyunjin as the boy just look at him in confused. Hyunjin just shooked his head as he thought 'I never wanted to risk it, I'm afraid.. no, I'm too scared that he would left me.' Seungmin frowned. "Then you okay with Jisung being with Felix rather than with you?" Hyunjin sighed.

"Seungmin, you did said love can't be forced right?"

Seungmin shooked his head as he put his palm of his hand on top of Hyunjin's right shoulder. "Hyunjin, love really can't be forced but that's not what I meant when I said that to you. What I meant is that if you ever confess to someone and they rejected you, you can't forced them to like you back. For your situation right now, it's better for you to try it out and confess. You never know what's the answer will be if you don't. It's okay if he rejected you, the world is not that small, Hyunjin, I'm sure there's someone better for you. If he accepted your confession, that's even better for you right? But still we'll never know unless you try." Seungmin explained to Hyunjin who keep thinking deeply.

"I'm asking you again, Hyunjin, would you bravely enough to risk it?"

Skip on people~ (I love skipping because it doesn't matter anyways~)

"Is it me or Hyunjin have been avoiding Jisung hyung, lately?" Jeongin asked as he look at his boyfriend, Seungmin. "You're not alone, sweetie." Seungmin replied as he looks over to Jisung is looking for Hyunjin while Felix is eating his lunch. "What's actually happened?" Jeongin whispered, Seungmin signal him to talked about it later as Jeongin nods.

It has been 3 days, only 3 days after Seungmin asked Hyunjin that question whether he is brave enough to risk it or not and since that, he cowardly avoid Jisung entire days making the poor boy felt like he have made Hyunjin angry at him.

"Is Hyunjin still angry with me?" Jisung mumbled but everyone at the tabled heard. "Why would you think Hyunjin is mad at you? Did something happened when I didn't go to school for 2 days?" Felix questioned in confused. Everyone looks at Jisung who hesitant to tell. "Well... long short story I keep asking him for help about something and he maybe not or maybe got angry as he shouted to asked help with someone else like Minho hyung or something.." Jisung explained. Felix nods as he says "Well what do you need help with? Maybe I could help you, if you want."

Jisung quickly shooked his head and rejected his offer. "No, No! It's okay, Felix, Minho hyung already helped me out with that. So it's already settled." Seungmin huffed as he knows the truth. "Oh yeah? Well what did he helped you with? Telling you to airfryer some cute flowers? I'm sure that's what he could possibly suggested to help you." Seungmin said as Jeongin snicker as he agreed even tho he don't know what help Jisung is needed for but still he could imagine Minho saying that.

Jisung frowned but then he got confused but for Felix, he quickly scolded Seungmin for saying bad things about his brother. "Hey, Minho hyung wouldn't say such a thing.." Seungmin just kept quite and apologized since he knows, Minho wouldn't say such a thing to Felix because he is his brother, of course he wouldn't, unliked the others, he totally would.


Suddenly, Seungmin's phone vibrate as he took it, to see a chat notification pop up and it was from Hyunjin. "Um, guys, excuse me, I have something to do, the teacher need my help on checking some papers. Jeongin, do you to tag along too or-"

"Tag along!!"

"Okay then."

With that, the younger couple excuse themselves as Felix and Jisung continue on talking about something something that only both of them interested.

Seungmin bring Jeongin to the rooftop as that's what he recieved from Hyunjin's messages, he ask him to go to the rooftop. Jeongin is confused. "Seungminnie~ Why are we going to the rooftop?"

"That's was a lie to excuse ourselves from Jisung and Felix knows, sweetheart. You did said you want to know what's going on between Jisung and Hyunjin right?" Seungmin answered as Jeongin then nods as he just followed the older to where they will be going.

As they reached to the rooftop, all they can see nothing but a boy sitting on the floor, crying so badly. Hearing the sound of someone crying, especially if it's from someone you cared about, making the youngest worried.


"Hyunjin hyung!"

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