Pt.9 [Honest, Reject?]

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Hyunjin's mom hugged her lovely son as she tried to calm him down. "Yah, Hyunjin, what's wrong? What happened? Did something happen at school??" Mrs. Hwang questioned as she wiped off the tears that came from Hyunjin's eyes and then held Hyunjin's cheeks as she brought the boy's face to look at her.

"M- Mom.. I'm hurt.." Hyunjin cried out as her mom got shocked and worried. "H-Hurt?! Where?! Gosh, Hyunjin! Come, I'll take you to the hospital!" Hyunjin's mom is panicking as she quickly checks Hyunjin's face, his hands and etc etc you guys can just use your imagination. Hyunjin shooked his head slowly as he sobs. "No.. it's not that.."

Mrs. Hwang stares at her son in confusion. "What do you mean?" Hyunjin took a deep breathe as he hold his both hands in nervous. "It's Jisung... and.. Minho hyung." Mrs. Hwang narrowed her eyebrow. "Jisung, that kid always a trouble, but Minho? Now this is something that I like to call interesting.."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes as he pout while his mother chuckled. "Alright alright, come on, tell me. What's really happen?" Hyunjin sigh. "I have a crush on Jisung for several years now.. but he never noticed." His mom choked on her own saliva as she yell out "WHAT?!" Hyunjin startled as he looked at his own mother (thought I was a monster, she was right of course but it's still hurt) in confusion.

Mrs. Hwang cleared her throat as she scratching her head. "A- And then?" Hyunjin stare at her in suspicious before he continue. "And the last 2 weeks if I remember correctly, we have a new friend who is Felix, who turns out to be Minho's little brother." Mrs. Hwang gasped as she's in disbelief. "Say what now? How come I never know? I thought he's an only child?"

"We never know either until a 'surprised' came out."

Her mother nods as she told him to continue. "And currently, Jisung had told me that he likes that boy and even asked me for my help to confess to him and so I help."

"The heck? Why would you help your own crush that wants to confess to another person that isn't you?" Hyunjin's sighed. "How would I know? I'm just too dumb for this stupid word called 'love'." Mrs. Hwang let out a small cute laugh. "No you're not but you are. Anyways continue~"

Hyunjin giggled softly before continue. "Then he keep bugging me about it so it's started to make me feel annoyed and somehow of course, jealous.. so I tend to ignore or more like avoiding him.." Hyunjin said as he let out a sigh as he felt so regret about doing that.

"And then last night, I got a message from him that he said he want to confess today at recess. I cried about it and told Minho hyung, but he said that he already knew about it."


"So he said to me that if I really want him, go apologized and tell the real reason before he actually confess go Felix.. which I did try to apologized this morning but when he asked what was the reason I ignored him, I got stuck and couldn't say the word.. couldn't tell him that I'm jealous.. couldn't express my feelings to him.. good thing Felix came and I had a chance to ran away.. again, but somehow.. I feel regret and now, Jisung is probably belong to someone else and he's technically not mine anymore.."

Mrs. Hwang nods in understandable but then she question about Minho. "I don't see a problem about Minho here.." Hyunjin let out a long sigh as he groaned. "I saw him with someone else when I was walking down the street, and that someone kiss Minho hyung's forehead.." Hyunjin puff up his cheeks as he looks so annoyed while Mrs. Hwand stare at him.

"And? What's wrong with that?"

Hyunjin gave his own mother a bombastic side eye before speak his mind "There is something wrong! How could that person kiss Minho's forehead just like that? Isn't it weird?"

"It's not weird at all, I mean what if that's his boyfriend? It could be possibly true..." Hyunjin shooked his head as he shouted "No way! They can't be together!!" Mrs. Hwang thought for a while before having an idea that make her smiles softly.

"Are you jealous, Hyunjin?"

"Pfft- no I'm not! Why would I be jealous?!"

"You're in denial."

"Noo! I'm not!!"

His mother rolled her eyes as she sighed making Hyunjin stare at her. "Hyunjin, we're talking about love and crush right now. When it's come to love, you should be honest to yourself so that you learn how to express your feelings very well. Come on, tell me if I'm wrong, did you feel something when you saw Minho got kissed on his forehead?" Hyunjin open his mouth to answer but nothing comes out as he think about it throughly.. his mother is waiting patiently.

"I- I guess.. I did feel like my heart burning inside and somehow.. I felt like it sinking?" Hyunjin was hesitant at first but still managed to say what he was feeling before. With that, Mrs. Hwang snap her finger as she smile in winning. "That's mean you're jealous and hurt, Hyunjin." Hyunjin stare at his mom but then shook as he's still not sure.

"But why would I feel jealous and hurt? It's not like I like Minho hyung more than just a friend.. plus I did said I have a crush on Jisung." Mrs. Hwang put her palm on Hyunjin's shoulder as he look at her smiling. "Hyunjin, feelings of love can develop on anyone. Not only one but many. Maybe you actually have a feeling toward Minho but you didn't realized it, and soon it keep on involving as love. The reason you aren't so sure right now because you're lying to yourself and keep on denying it. Sure love can be meaning to anything but when it's come to this situation, I must say you should know by now. And talking about crush, sometimes in this life, crush doesn't always stay the same, whether you keep on having a crush to every people you've met or you drop the old crush and have a new crush instead. Can you understand it now, Hyunjin?" Mrs. Hwang explained as Hyunjin stare at his mother throughly.

Hyunjin nods as he sigh. "I guess you're right.. I'm just being a coward again to admit that I have a feeling for Minho hyung and not realizing it now.." Mrs. Hwang chuckled. "Don't worry, I used to denied my feelings toward your father when we were still a teen like you right now.." Hyunjin's mother ruffled his hair as the son giggled cutely.

"But then, what about Jisung?"

"Oh sweetie, if I were you, I would choose Minho." Hyunjin narrowed his eyes as he stare at his own mother. "Why is that?" Mrs. Hwang sighed as she layed her head on top of Hyunjin's left shoulder. "Put it like this Hyunjin. If you really love the 1st person, why would you be in love with another person? There must be a reason, right? One of the possible reason is that you might fell out of love for the 1st person.." Hyunjin nods as he understand.

"Makes sense.."

"Did I finally knock some sense to your brain, my dear son?"

Hyunjin laugh. "Yeah you did. Thank you mom.. I love you." Hyunjin hugs his mother as the elder hugs him back with a reply "Anything for my both lovely sons and I love you too, my Hyunjin."

Suddenly, Hyunjin's phone ringing as that make both of them startled. Hyunjin quickly takes a look to see Jeongin's name pop up, calling him which he quickly picks up the call.

"HYUNG!!! WHERE ARE YOU AND WHY AREN'T YOU IN SCHOOL?!" Jeongin shout as Hyunjin groaned because his ears hurt due to Jeongin's dolphin scream. "I'm at home, with mom... Sorry Jeongin-ah."


Mrs. Hwang looks at Hyunjin in worried who suddenly looks so serious. "Why? What happened?"



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