Pt.2 [Nickname]

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Hyunjin went to school thinking about last night's call with Minho about Felix being his little brother.

Recalling about last night call..

"Felix is my younger brother, the reason I didn't tell you because I thought it shouldn't be a big deal since he's schooling at Australia with our cousin who agreed to take of him at there for a while, I just know yesterday from my mom that he's going back to here because he miss me and so others."

"But still you could've told me..."

"Alright alright, I'm sorry okay?"

End of flashback..

"Felix is Minho hyung's younger brother.. but how come Felix didn't told me? Wait why would he tell me about his brother, he doesn't even know that I know his brother." Hyunjin mumbled to himself while cursing to himself and everyone else. Suddenly, someone shouting Hyunjin's name beside his ears as he got startled and turned around to see Jisung pouting and glaring at him which made Hyunjin adore him even more while Felix just smile and chuckled then waving his tiny hand toward Hyunjin.

"O- Oh hey guys.. what's up?"

"Not even sorry?! Damn it Hyunjin, do you know I've been shouting your name 3 times already?! You even walked passed me at the school guard, what the heck are you thinking about?" Jisung shouted at Hyunjin but not so loud of course since they don't any attention goes to them. Hyunjin left out an awkward chuckled, "Ah.. really? I didn't noticed.."

"Of course you didn't, you were staring at the ground while walking!" Jisung said as Hyunjin nods and tend to apologize to the younger. "I'm sorry okay, I was just thinking about something and nothing much, don't worry about it."

"Fine then.."

"So, what's up?" Jisung then change his expression as Hyunjin asked them to cheerful which make the other two chuckled. "Felix told me that he has an older brother, Hyunjin!" Jisung said as Hyunjin's thought 'I know about that but wait.. am I the only one who knows that?'

"He also asked us to go to his house after school, do you want to tag along?" Hyunjin looks at Jisung and Felix who are staring at him with sparkles eyes, Hyunjin think about it before a agreeing. "Yeah sure."

"Nice!! We'll see you after school then!! Come on, Felix, let's go to class or else we'll be late!"

"Okay, Hannie!"

Hyunjin stunned. His body didn't move and let both youngers ran pass them. "Hannie?.." Hyunjin softly mumbled as he rethoughts again about that nickname. That nickname is what he usually called Jisung when they were still kids but as they grew older and reached the age of 13 years old, Jisung tend to said that he hate that nickname because it sound childish so Hyunjin stop using it, don't want the younger to feel uncomfortable about it..

But hearing it again after 5 years and coming from another person, not him, really is making his heart ache. "I thought you didn't like that nickname.." Hyunjin turns around to see happy Jisung pulling Felix while running happily to their class, laughing and smile a lot, not caring about what Felix just called him now. "Is he really that happy when he's with me?" Hyunjin mumbled softly before decided continue on walking back to his class.

In every class, Hyunjin can't seem to focus a lot like he usually does and even his deskmate, Seungmin and their teachers noticed that. Hyunjin should be glad that the teachers let it slide as he is the top 2 student after all while Seungmin is top 1, suited them sitting next to each others. But rather seems like a nerd, both of them looks like a boy that would bring you home, telling your dad that "your daughter also call me daddy too." but nahh they're not that bad, they're kind, very kind to all people. Plus, Hyunjin doesn't even bother making friends with his deskmate because Seungmin is Jeongin's boyfriend, so of course they know each others.

As soon as the school is over, all the students rushing to went home after class while Hyunjin still sitting while staring at his notebook. "If you're going to stay like that and make the 'sunshine' of yours gone mad, I'll asked Jeongin to get ready for your funeral." Seungmin said as he stand up grabbing his bag then look at Hyunjin who look up to him.

"What? He's waiting for you at the school gate with another person from what I see at the window right now." Seungmin does have sharp eyes but then again, Jisung is easy to recognize because he's the only one who has dark brown hair in this school. Hyunjin look outside the window to see Jisung and Felix playing around at the gate and probably do waiting for him since he's agree to tag along.

Hyunjin groaned and slam his forehead at his own desk. Seungmin now do looks concern as he then sighed. "Now come on, did something happened with you two? And who is the other boy? Are you being jealous?" Seungmin asked as Hyunjin just shooked his head and let out a big sighed.

"Come on bro, no one can help you if you don't speak up and tell me what is going on." Seungmin would smack down to Hyunjin's throat but due to he feel worried about the older, he push that idea aside.

"Ugh, Jisung has a new friend in his class called Felix, and just this morning Felix called Jisung by a nickname 'Hannie' and that kid doesn't look so bother at all." Hyunjin told Seungmin while Seungmin looks confused. "'Hannie'? Isn't that a nickname where you told me that you used to called Jisung with when you were still a kid?" Hyunjin nods.

"Wait I thought you said 5 years ago, he wants you to stop calling him that because it sound so childish?"

"THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT TOO!!" Hyunjin groaned again as Seungmin then  said, "I see... maybe it's life changing?" Hyunjin look up to see Seungmin with a confused look plastered on his face. "What do you mean?" Seungmin sighed as he flicked Hyunjin's forehead making the boy groaned in pain.

"What I mean is, he might actually don't really like it back at the 5 years ago but now, maybe he tend to like it back? Or it could possibly be that he's okay with Felix calling him that, I mean sometimes we meet new people, they gave us some life changing whether it's lessons in life or memories in life. Or maybe because he just like Felix, by like I mean crush. Like a crush." Seungmin explained as Hyunjin frowned and Seungmin saw that.

"Don't take my words seriously, dumbass, I'm just saying."

"But what if it's true? I probably might lose him.."

"You can still have him as a friend you know? Better than ever I guess." Hyunjin shooked his and frowned even more. "Easy for you to say and no way I would let my chance go away just like that!"

"Then better hurry up and confess."


"I don't know, you're on your own. If I were you, I would just let it passed if I know that he's in love with someone else." Seungmin said as Hyunjin look at him confused. "Why wouldn't you-"

"Because love can not be forced, Hyunjin. You can't forced someone who don't love you to love you. You can't forced someone who don't like you to like you. It's just the way of the world."

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