Pt.18 [Jungwoo guy?]

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The teenagers went to meet Chan at one place which at the cafe as soon as their school finish. However, on their way to the location, Minho can be seen at the street, walking with another boy beside him. The boys couldn't believe their eyes as they saw how generous Minho being with the boy.

"Hey, what is Minho hyung doing with that stranger? Felix, you know that guy?" Seungmin asked as they all look at Felix but Hyunjin is exceptional as he keep staring straight at where Minho and the stranger walking, the widen eyes along with his expression can be clearly seen that he's very shocked, confused, and one of all important thing that must be included is that he is JEALOUSY JEALOUSY~

"I don't know either, Minho hyung never told me that he hangs out with anyone other than you guys before.. I'm kinda not sure-" Before Felix could finish his sentences, Hyunjin without thinking, move and making his way to where the 2 boys at while the other boys went like 

"Dude where the hell you think you're going? Get back here!"

"Yah yah! What are you doing? You're nuts?!"


"I'll just pray for Minho hyung's life."

Does that even stop Hyunjin? NO, of course not, the boy doesn't care as he keep on walking toward where Minho hyung at as his eyes feel with rage jealousy and full of malice when he saw the stranger put his arm around Minho's shoulder then ruffled his hair while Minho laugh in cute way which Hyunjin slightly adore but come on, we all know that he was thinking that the one who should do that to Minho can only be him and him only.

"Minho hyung!" 

Hyunjin called out Minho as the older and the stranger got startled and turns around to see Hyunjin walking toward them while the other kids follow Hyunjin from behind in fear and confused. Minho could see Hyunjin eyes is full of something he never seen before, something that he might remember all his life, he look at Seungmin for a clue onto what's going on and the younger just shook his head in a sign for Minho to understand in a second. Minho took it in his mind as he remove the stranger's arm off his shoulder as he smile at the kids.

"Hey guys."

The stranger scoff silently as he wrapped his arm to his chest then look at Hyunjin who is glaring at him which the stranger gladly glares back. The other boys just stand there beside Hyunjin with look of either smiling in awkwardness or the look of full shame and confuse. "He-hey hyung..." Felix greet his older brother while hugging the older from behind and slightly pull him away from the stranger, Minho notice the whole situation as he sigh.

"Hyung, who's this?"

Hyunjin asked as he keep his menacing eyes shot to the stranger while the stranger smirk as he then pull Minho toward him with his arm around Minho's shoulder. "Well nice meeting you little kid, I'm his friend, Jungwoo." The stranger introduced himself as he smiling in mocking toward Hyunjin which make the situation worsen while Minho chuckled but then he stop as he feel the harshen grab at his wrist and it's belong to Hyunjin's as the younger pull the older closer to him, making the older surprised by the sudden pull. 

"Don't call me kid, you grandpa." 

The aura between those two boys were so dark that everyone who walking near the group can feel the danger aura, to make it stop, Minho quickly ease the situation by asking a simple question. "Seeing you guys walking around here, I assume the school finished? Where are you guys heading?" Hyunjin gladly answer the older question as he smile like a puppy to Minho as he said "Yeah, we're heading to a cafe to hang out together!" Minho smile softly hearing the answer as he look at the kids "Really? Sounds fun."

"Yeah, but hyung, where are you heading to with this... Jungwoo guy?" Jisung asked in very careful tone but being suspicious to the Jungwoo guy. Before Minho could say anything, Seonghwa interrupt "Why you kids want to know about it? It's grown up matter." The boys felt the urge to kill the stranger even the sweet innocent Felix but they couldn't because Minho would kill them all instead and they will go to heaven together as they spreading their wings and fly high to the sky.

"Uh not really grown up matter but don't worry guys, we're just hanging out along with more friends later." Minho said as he glared at Jungwoo for making it weird by saying it grown up matter, Jungwoo chuckled. "Anyway we'll get going first~ later kids~ we don't want to start our date very late~" Jungwoo said as he quickly grab Minho's wrist and walked away before Minho or the kids could say somethings.

The kids just watch Jungwoo and Minho walked away in confusion but for Hyunjin, it's a whole anger and jealousy. "Who the fuck he think he is? Man I hate that guy." Hyunjin cursed as soon as the olders are out of their sight. "Strange thing that even Felix doesn't know who Jungwoo is... also did he mentioned more friends? Does Minho have friends other than us?" Seungmin questioning in confusion but Jeongin's guess make the boys questioning their existence "Maybe his friends that are the same class with him before he graduate last year? Maybe they still keep in touch even tho they haven't seen each other for months??"

"So like a reunion then?"

"I guess.."

Hyunjin  disagreed as he said "Even if it's reunion, I never see that Jungwoo guy in our school before, right Jisung?" Jisung thought for  moment before he agree along with Hyunjin's statement. "Right, we never seen that guy before..I mean most of the time, we both always with Minho hyung last year." 

"So it's not reunion?"

"We don't know either, Jeongin, we don't know either."


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