Pt.6 [Someone new?]

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After calming down the crying boy, Hyunjin, Seungmin explained the whole things to Jeongin as he started figure to why the elder keep on avoiding Jisung lately and to why Jisung always prefer hanging out with Felix rather than his own best friend, Hyunjin.

"I see, aww poor hyung." Jeongin feeling sympathy for the elder as he pat his back. Hyunjin pouts. "Hyunjin, as much as I want to help you, the recess time will be over soon and we need to go to class." Seungmin said as Hyunjin shooked his head. "Don't feel like it.. you guys can go if you want, I'm staying here until the school is over." Hyunjin reply.

Jeongin and Seungmin look at each others as Jeongin wiggled his eyebrow making Seungmin sighed. "Then, we're not going either. We'll stay here with you, right Seungmin?" Jeongin said as he sat next to Hyunjin while Seungmin groaned. "I really don't like this idea but we'll stay." Seungmin agreed as he too sat right next to Hyunjin who is suprised. "Wait what? What about your 'never cutted off class'?"

"Not hurt to skip for once right?"

They all chuckled and laughed when Seungmin started to regreted again doing this. "Thanks for willingly to stay here with me, guys." Jeongin hummed as Seungmin shooked his head. "Who said that I stay here because of you?" Jeongin gasped as Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Look Jeongin, your tsundere boyfriend doesn't like to admit it that he cares for me too." Hyunjin whispered to Jeongin but loud enough for Seungmin to hear.

"It's okay Hyunjin hyung, sometimes in life, there's people who don't know how to express their caring side to other people so they choose to being tsundere." Jeongin also whispered back loudly, making Seungmin mad. "Alright alright, enough you two! I heard that!" And they all laugh, having fun teasing Seungmin who don't want to admit that he's tsundere.

After a while of playful conversations, the school then ends as the 3 of the boys went back to take their bags at their own class after seeing there's no students left in the class or teachers so they won't get caught. As they reach the school gate, they can see Jisung and Felix still there probably waiting for them.

"Why are they still here?" Hyunjin mumbles as he look down. Jeongin then reply "Probably waiting for us?" Seungmin just lift his shoulder as he also don't know. Felix saw them as he told Jisung about it and make the boy look over. "Ah! Guys! There you are!"

Hyunjin startled as he look over Seungmin and Jeongin. "Crap, uh guys, I'll go first, see you guys at school tomorrow. Thanks for today!" And with that, he quickly ran off, passed Jisung and Felix who was about to go toward them. "Wait- Hyunjin! Where are you going?!" Jisung shout but the boy got ignored. Felix asked the younger, "What's up with Hyunjin?"

Jeongin and Seungmin looks at each other then proceed to look away as both of them said the same thing without any planning. "Don't know either."

"Ah really? Well that's weird.." Felix mumbles as Jisung pouted. "Is he going to keep on ignoring me now?.." Jisung questioning himself but the others didn't heard so he freed. "Anyways, what are you doing at here?" Seungmin asked the real questioned now as Felix said. "Oh, Minho hyung said that he want to pick me up and went to some cafe, he also ask me to ask you if you all want to tag along too." Seungmin nods as Jeongin replied "Yeah sure, why not."

Soon later, Minho arrived in front of them with his purple car. "Boys, get in." The boys quickly get in but then Minho started to noticed someone is missing. "Uh where's Hyunjin?"

"He ran off before we could greet him and ask whether he want to come along..." Felix answered as Minho then look at Seungmin to make sure everything is okay and Seungmin signal to look at Jisung's face. And yeah, pretty much everything is answered as Minho can see Jisung is pouting. 'He's avoiding huh..' Minho thoughts as he nod.

"Well then, it's okay, we'll just go, you guys ready?" Everyone just replied yes. and with that they went to the cafe that Minho want to bring the boys to. The main reason for this ride is because Minho wants to introduce the boys to someone and that someone is Felix known so long and been wanting to meet ever since he transferred here.

As they got there, Jeongin and Jisung is surprised by the theme cafe as it's super cute and lovely. They went inside to see not so many people but it's still remained calm like it's suit for those who want to finish their work at the cafe or studying. Later, someone called Minho's name over as they all look to see who, and with that, Felix is shocked to see there're two familiar grown men standing in front of them and pretty sure his tears running down to his cheeks.

"Chanie hyung? Binnie hyung?"

Meanwhile Hyunjin who walked home alone...

"Screw this stupid love! Screw this stupid crush! Screw this stupid feeling! And mostly, screw this stupid Jisung!" Hyunjin mumbles in mad as he kick off some stupid rocks while walking. Pretty sure everyone can see his mad face, it's pretty scary but no one bothers to know why.

Hyunjin sighed as he stop his track in the middle of the road. "God, why am I such a coward? Why am I avoiding him? If I do want him, shouldn't I be proving him that I'm much more worth it than Felix?" Hyunjin mumbles, not knowing what his mind and his heart are taking him to in this situation. Remember what Seungmin and Minho told him before, 'It's okay, Hyunjin, if he's not the one for you, maybe there's someone else better for you. The world ain't that small.' Hyunjin groaned as he stressing himself out.

"Why am I like this..."

[I regret not going to school today...]

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