Pt.16 [He's an idiot]

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After talking for a minute, their orders came as Hyunjin ordered for iced americano only while Minho ordered for a cheesecake with iced latte. As Minho eats his cheesecake, Hyunjin starts to continue their conversation again.

"So hyung.. why did you guessed Seonghwa hyung?.." Hyunjin ask as he took a sip of his iced americano while glancing at the elder in front of him. "Why not? He's cute." Minho said while keeps eating his cheesecake in happiness. Hyunjin raised his eyebrow as he asked again "What? you like him?"
Minho stops eating as he looks up at Hyunjin as his face looks like he's telling Hyunjin


Minho munching the cheesecake in his mouth as he said "I said he's cute doesn't mean I like him." Hyunjin look at Minho suspiciously before he gave in and trust the words. "Also, I'm not even into cute boys.." Minho mumbled as he keeps on eating his cheesecake while Hyunjin who seem to heard that, he thought for a moment.

"What about me?"

Minho choked a bit on his cheesecake as he cough and look at Hyunjin in shocked. "What? I'm just asking.." Hyunjin felt a bit embarrassed when he slip that question from his mouth, but he try his best to cover it up.

Minho looked at Hyunjin as he thought for a moment "Eh well you look pretty handsome than cute. I mean, you looked cuter back then when we first met each other but now you are all grown up, even your hair start to get longer too.." Minho said as he looks at Hyunjin while smiling softly.

After hearing that, Hyunjin doesn't want to admite but he actually screaming inside of his heart, he'll definitely brag about this to the others at school tomorrow. "Ya think so?" Minho hummed in response before he continue eating again his cheesecake. Hyunjin smile as he continue staring at the elder while adoring him eating.

"Oh yeah, you said your crush is someone I know right? Do others know as well?" Minho asked as Hyunjin nod happily. "Yeah, others know as well because that someone is usually the one who took care of us all.. He is so sweet, kind, funny and cute.." Hyunjin said without thinking while Minho who heard all that immediately burst into laugh as he said "Hyun, you sounds like someone who got love struck!" Hyunjin just smile as his cheeks heaten up a bit in embarrassment.

Minho shakes his head as he smiling softly. "So is he older than us or than you guys?" Minho asked and the question is definitely a trap, because if he answers honestly and gives him the hint, Minho would know immediately that it's him so Hyunjin just thought for a moment before he shrugs and say jokingly "Maybe he is, and maybe he is not." Minho rolled his eyes in playfully before he laugh and jokingly said

"Is it me?"

Hyunjin widen his eyes as he look at Minho in panicked but Minho didn't notice it as he keep on laughing

Skip to the morning at school

Seungmin just arrived to his class when he saw Hyunjin was there first for the first time early than him as he come approach the taller boy. "Yo, you early today?" Hyunjin didn't answer as he was in seriously deep thoughts, looking so fucked up as Seungmin raised one of his eyebrows in confusion. "Dude-"

"I fucked up."

Hyunjin blurt out out of nowhere as he looks frust while Seungmin immediately sat next to him, looking worried. "Is this about yesterday hangout with Minho hyung??"Seungmin asked as Hyunjin nods.

"Tell me what's up. Did you do something stupid?" Hyunjin sighs before he tell Seungmin about what happened and Seungmin seems not surprise to see this coming. "So, did you say anything after that?" Seungmin asked calmly. Hyunjin remembers back again on how the conversations went.

He was too panicking and flustered that he didn't answer Minho's question "Is it me?" as he pretend that his mother called him on the phone and immediately ran off to go home as Minho was left confusion.

"Dude, you're definitely messed up the hangout." Seungmin said as Hyunjin frowned "I know... but what to do? I was too panicked! I'm scared he knows the real thing!" Seungmin seems to give a thought for a moment before he ask again "Did Minho hyung messages you after you went home?" Hyunjin shooked his head as he frowned.

"You're an idiot, Hyunjin. You're an idiot."

[A/n: take a guess, will he confess or not? HEHEHE will this be a happy ending for both or it's going to ended up again as one side love~ (❁'▽'❁)*✲゚*]

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