Pt. 12 [Cousin, Fiancé]

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Because the misunderstanding happened, Minho asked Hyunjin alone if he wanted to go to the mall with him and meet his cousin for real this time. Why Hyunjin alone? Because the kids went on a double date together and they did ask the eldest if they wanted to tag along i mean they sure know what's up, but Minho refused since he has something to do while Hyunjin just refused because he doesn't want to be 5th wheel and taking care of the kids alone.

"So, hyung, why are we meeting your cousin at the mall?" Hyunjin questioned as he looked at Minho who was wandering around, looking for someone in the mall basically. "He asked for my help to choose wedding clothes and some other stuff that is needed." Minho replied as Hyunjin went near Minho as he rested his chin on top of the elder who is pretty shorter than the younger. "But why are you asking me to come along?" Minho rolled his eyes as he replied.

"So that you wouldn't be misunderstood about me dating my own cousin, Hyun." Hyunjin chuckled as he hummed in response. "Oh my god, where the fuck is he?" Minho mumbled but still can be heard by Hyunjin as the tall boy snicker, he also helped the elder to search for his cousin which he found regardless.

"Isn't that him?"

Hyunjin pointed as Minho looked over to see two short boys, giggling and laughing together. One has curly blond hair while the other has straight black hair but still looks fluffy even tho he is wearing a black cap. "God I love you, Hyun! Come let's go!" Minho said as he pulled Hyunjin  to the boys that he's looking for, what he didn't realize is that the taller boy is now blushing madly.

'L- Love?! Hyung loves me?! OH GOD SEND HELP-'

"Channie hyung!" Minho called over the curly blond hair as the couple turned around to see Minho running toward them while holding Hyunjin's hand, and pulling the taller boy along too. The couple chuckled. "Oh Minho, you've arrived!" The curly blond said as the other boy chuckled looking at Minho smiled widely.

"And you're late."

The curly blond hair let out a small cute laugh as Minho giggled, adoring the older. "Oh, what do we have here?" The other boy asked as he looked over Hyunjin who is now looking at Minho for help. Minho gladly introduced Hyunjin to them. "Ah this is Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin, he's my junior in school last year but we still keep in touch since we're best friends now, along with the others you guys met before." They nod and greet the latter.

"And Hyunjin, this curly boy right here is Chan hyung, Bang Chan hyung, he's 1 year older than me and that makes him 3 years older than you, so call him hyung. And Chan hyung is my cousin, nothing more than that, got it?" Hyunjin nod and chuckled. "And this is Seo Changbin, he's older than you so take note! And he is Chan hyung's boyfriend! or you can just call them fiance since they already engaged..." Minho said as the 3 boys chuckled at how Minho introduced them all.

"Nice to meet you, Chan hyung and Changbin hyung." Hyunjin greeted in formal way but that make Chan laugh as he shook his head. "No need to be so formal with me, and nice to meet you too." Chan greeted back as Changbin followed to greet back. Hyunjin take note as he nods. "Sure hyung."

"Alright now the introduction is settled, let's go search for you both the wedding clothes-" Changbin stop Minho as he told him to wait a second as all of them look at Changbin. "What is it, Sweetheart?" Chan asked as Changbin pointed out the youngers are holding hands since they're arrived. "Are you guys a couple?"

Hyunjin blush as he realized as to why the questions were mentioned because they're both still holding hands and Chan noticed that as the older smile softly, while Minho who is confused just blink his eyes. "What makes you think we're a couple??" Minho asked as Hyunjin mumbled. "The hands, hyung.." Minho heard that, so he look at his hand. realizing that he have been held Hyunjin's hand since before. Minho quickly let go of Hyunjin's hand as he is now blushing. "Ah... sorry, Hyun! I didn't realized that I was holding your hand till now." Hyunjin chuckled as he shook his hand, "No it's okay."

"So not a couple?" Minho quickly shooked his head as he said "N- No no! We're not, hyung!" Changbin looks at Chan as the older looks back at him before looking back at the youngers who has their cheeks heaten up. "Whatever you say, Minho. Whatever you say." Changbin said, not buying Minho's words as Minho frustrated trying to tell him that they're not while walking as the other 2 followed them from behind as Chan and Hyunjin chuckled looking at their lovelifes bickering at each others.

Chan look over Hyunjin as he smiles. "You like Minho, don't you?" Hyunjin who heard that quickly look at Chan as he blush. "H- How?" Chan giggled. "Your reaction is too easy to read, Hyunjin." Hyunjin flustered as he let out a small awkward laugh while rubbing behind of his neck. "Please don't tell Minho hyung about this." Hyunjin softly said as Chan smiles and nod.

"I won't."

Hyunjin glad to hear that as he smiles. "But if you really want him, be sure to claim as fast as you can before he falls for someone else." Hyunjin blink his eyes after hearing what Chan said. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, wherever we go together with Minho, there's always someone who tried to flirt with him or even try to claim him, just be glad that he rejected those people. Minho has a kind heart, loves to help people, and even has a pretty face, so I'm no surprised if you fall for him too." Chan said as Hyunjin think about it. ".. Why does he rejected those people?"

"Probably because it was out of context and Minho doesn't even know them?" Chan answered, not sure if he's right or not but Hyunjin just nods as he tends to ask more "Hyung, do you know what kind of person Minho hyung likes?"

"I'm not sure about it because I never sees or heard him talking about it.. It'll be better if you asked Felix in my opinion tho." Chan said as Hyunjin sighed but then nods.

"Okay, thanks hyung.."

"No problem."

[Not sure if people are okay with Chan x Changbin ship at this point but PURLEASE IGNORE THIS CHAPTER IF YOU DISLIKE THE SHIP! I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I CAME UP WITH THIS-😭]

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