Pt.14 [Phone Numbers]

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On the next day at school, Hyunjin was screaming down in the hallways as he shook Felix's body so hard making all the students at there turns their head to look at them in shock, surprised, startled, and confused.


Felix feels dizzy to say anything that he couldn't make out to say a word as Jisung quickly stop his best friend from hurting his boyfriend "Dude, calm down, you're hurting my baby." With that, Hyunjin immediately stops and looks at Jisung in disgust before looking back at Felix with sparkles in his eyes "For real, Felix? Does that mean I have a chance? Do you think he'll like me?" Hyunjin throws so many question making Seungmin chuckled and pat the older back "Calm down, blockhead, calm down."

Felix shook his head and gather his composure from the dizziness as he smile and said "Yeah he is bisexual, he said it himself. But I don't know if he's into you or not.. depends on how have you two been talking lately or act around each other lately..." Jeongin then interrupt as he ask Hyunjin "Does Minho hyung ever treat you differently than all of us?" Hyunjin thought for a moment before he shrugged and said

"I don't know. Does he ever tease you guys too?" All of them nodded in sync. "What about the couldn't get angry with you if you ever done something wrong?" All of them nodded again in sync. "What about tissues and air fryer?" Now they all look confused as they ask "What do you mean by air fryer? I mean we all get the tissues part"

Hyunjin facepalm as he muttered while looking away in embarrassment "It's what he would treat me if I did something that will make him mad.. he'll put me into an air fryer for about 20 minutes in 180 degrees" Jisung and Seungmin burst into laugh as Jeongin and Felix just chuckled. "He did that to you? Is that what you'll called it special treatment bro?" Jisung asked as he can't stop laughing. Hyunjin sighed in annoyed and frustrated. "Then what else? You all know how hyung is the type to be in his own world.." He whined as Seungmin chuckled.

"Oh come on, not even a single sweet nickname he call for you or anything? That must be suck if he didn't do all that.." Seungmin said in tease tone. Hyunjin then gasp as he snapped his finger "I mean he call me by Hyun instead of Hyunjin!" He said in excited just to be ruin by Jeongin. "It's still your name regardless." Hyunjin pouted at his younger brother's words.

"But it's still called a nickname if you ask me so well done, congrats on actually have something special from your own crush." Jisung said before he snicker and laugh again. Hyunjin shakes his head in disappointed "But if it's only that then I still don't know if he's into me or not." He said in sorrow as Seungmin gave him an idea "Why not you make a first move to hint on him?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, go ask him out and do whatever you guys want or maybe gave him a gift... just anything that count as first move because if you wait for him to make the first move, we all know this is not gonna end perfectly like you want." Felix nods as he agrees with Seungmin "Yeah, just like how Chan hyung made his first move for Changbin hyung. If you ask me, their story quite similar to you." Felix said as Hyunjin's ears perks up and his eyes lighten up "Really?" Felix nod

"Yeah, you might want to ask for Chan hyung's help in this situation, he might not know well about what Minho's likes or dislikes, but leave that part to me, you can count on me for that." Felix said as he give a thumbs up while smiling cheepishly as Hyunjin hug him in happiness "Oh lord thanks Felix!!!!!"

"Your welcome buddy" Felix giggles as they both stay like that until Jisung immediately broke that hug with an irritated looks on his face "Alright alright, enough with hugging my boyfriend, go get your own self boyfriend faster." He said while back hugging Felix while staring at Hyunjin in jealousy which make others giggled and chuckled.

"Alright.. you got it!" But before that ends, Seungmin asks Hyunjin "So you have Chan hyung's phone number?" Hyunjin then awkwardly smiles as he just realized that he don't have Chan's phone number or even Changbin's phone number. "No.. I don't.. do you guys have it?"

Seungmin and Jeongin shooked their heads as they don't bother asking to trade numbers when they meet Chan along with Changbin, that's the same case as Hyunjin on the other day. While Jisung who smile awkwardly as he said "Man I literally forgot to ask their numbers.. maybe because I was to angry with you ignoring me before." That words make everyone laugh until they all turns to look at Felix who is smiling awkwardly. "So you have Chan hyung's phone number right? I mean you're his cousin anyways."

Felix scratched his neck while looking away in the most awkward way as he said "Y-Yeah but I kinda lost contacts when I changing something in settings and I forgot to ask Minho hyung about it this morning.. I also lost you guys phone numbers as well.. hehe.."

And with that, all of them found in facepalm as they think about what to do for the rest of their school time in a day ㅇㅅㅇ

(A/n:Hello peeps~ It's me again your long lost Hyun♡~ HAHAHAHA okay nvm forget that- MY APOLOGIES FOR LACKING UPDATES IN THESE FULL MONTHS BECAUSE OHO I'M TOO SMART FOR ANYTHING, no wait lmao I'm too busy with school's assignments due these months including exams and my hardcore tuitions class during midnight and evening and then my friends want to do some fun activities as a full group to celebrate each others birthday because we're all in May babies and that's ridicu- Anyways, not sure if I'm able to update again after this because in up-coming months, I have a business class projects and assignments and also a what does it call... like a haaaaaaaahhhh households science class's projects and assignments also and then school's magazine comic that I have to make between these months and EHE- YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH in conclusion if you saw this and read this, please burn my school. thanks a lot)


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