Pt.8 [Confuse, Feelings]

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Hyunjin skip every class at the rooftop, but before it was recess time, he find his way to sneak out from the school buillding, only god know how. And with that, Seungmin who is keep on waiting for him in each class started to getting worried for the elder. He text the older in secret while the teacher are teaching.

Lovesick Hyunjin🤌🏻😌

'Yah! Where are you?'
'It's almost recess time'
'Don't tell me you're skipping

'Sorry, Seung.'
'I'm skipping, don't
feel like it.'

'Where are you?'

'I already sneak out from the
school building.'
'Don't bother searching for me'
'If Jisung and Felix are together,
just tell them I said congrats.'

'So you're running away because
you know he's going to confess?'
'I thought, you have fix your mind to confess first before he did?'

'Change my mind.'
'Also where did you know that?'

'Minho hyung.'

'I see'
'Well, have fun studying.'
'Gotta go first.'

'Alright, take care.'
'Called Minho hyung if you need someone or help.'

'I will, thanks.'

Seungmin closed his phone as he sighed. Focus back to what his teacher are teaching while thinking about his poor friend, Hyunjin. Not like he cares for his pity 1 side love in this triangle love but he is sure that maybe God already has someone is much more suit for Hyunjin rather than Jisung. "Love is for everyone, Hyunjin. Just wait and be patient." Seungmin mumbles quitely as he hopes the best for Hyunjin..

On the other hand, Hyunjin who manage to sneak out, is walking down the street while feeling so gloomy and hopeless. "At this point, love is probably just not for me. I guess love is against me. Cursed you." Hyunjin sighed then look up to the sky as he keep on staring. "God if there's actually a cupid, are they really helping me or what? Because I might kill them if not." Hyunjin threats as he stare at the blue sky as everyone surround him look at him as if he's just managed to sneak out from Mental Hospital but then again, he is wearing a school uniform.

"Oh god, thank you for today's help, Minnie. I really appreciate it."

"It's my pleasure, really hyung."

Hyunjin heard a few voices talking and laughing in front of him, one of the voices sounds very much like a person he knows, so he looks to see there's 2 grown men talking to each other while laughing and giggling. One of them have those curly blond hair and pretty short compares to Hyunjin height and another one is someone who Hyunjin knows very much.

"Minho.. hyung?"

Hyunjin saw them talking so comfortably and looked so happy, he kept on staring until he saw them hug each other and the curly boy gave Minho a simple kiss on forehead as he ruffled out Minho's hair before they bid goodbyes and went to opposite direction. Gotta say, Hyunjin's heart is burning and pretty much his eyes also burning as he glares at the curly boy who walks away.

Minho turn around and was about to walked back home, suddenly saw Hyunjin standing there glaring at someone behind him which Minho could think probably he saw what happened but that's not what Minho worried the most, what he's worrying right now, is what the hell is Hyunjin doing outside of his school's building when he supposed to be in class and study?!

Minho ran toward the tall boy as he look up at Hyunjin. "Yah! Hwang Hyunjin! What are you doing at here?! Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?! God, don't tell me you're skipping class.." Minho fired Hyunjin with so many question but the younger only reply him with another question that aren't related to Minho's questioned.

"Who is that, hyung?"

Minho huffed "That's not even important right now, Hyunjin! What's important right now is what are-" Minho got startled and paused his words when Hyunjin grab both of Minho's shoulder and look at Minho with that dead serious eyes which Minho surprised and scared for a bit. "What the-"

"Hyung, I ask you, who is that?! And why is he kissing you?" Hyunjin shouted as Minho just stand there, shockedly. "... Yah.. Hyunjin, what's wrong with you? Does it even matter?" Minho questioned as he got confused to why suddenly the younger got mad because of that.

"Yeah it does! Now answer me, hyung!" Minho blink his eyes as he then sighed. "That's Chan, Bang Chan, he's my cousin. There. There your answer." Minho answered as Hyunjin stare in confusion. "He's.. your cousin? Along with Felix?" Minho nods to confirm Hyunjin's questions. Hyunjin then asked again, "But why is he kissing your forehead?" Minho chuckled.

"Why? You're jealous?"

"N-No I'm not!!.. I'm just.. curious." Hyunjin is in denial but can't blame him fully because he also don't know why he felt like that anyways. Minho smirk as he got an idea. "You sure you're not? What if I say that is my boyfriend?"

"No! You can't date him!!"

"And why is that?"

"B.. Because I don't know him yet? Like I mean, the others still don't know him.. I- I mean you still need a friend's opinion if he's good for you... I guess?" Hyunjin's explanation does not make sense as Minho smiles. "But the other already know him. Especially Felix." Hyunjin choked on his own saliva as he shout "WHAT?!"

Minho nods. "Yeah, they've met yesterday, I told Felix to ask everyone because I want to introduced you all to someone who I and Felix knows dearly and trust so much. But you weren't there because they told me that you ran away, to ignored Jisung again." Minho explained as Hyunjin facepalm and for this time, he blame himself for this.

"And beside~" Hyunjin looks at Minho who has that evil smile plastered on his face. "he's my cousin and also Felix's, of course we know what kind of person he is, so why should I asked for a friend's opinion to date him?" Hearing that making Hyunjin's heart sinking, Hyunjin frowned making Minho laugh but the laugh stop when Hyunjin grip on his palm as he look away. "The sky looks like it's going to rain, I'll get going first. Goodbye, hyung." and with that, the taller boy ran off away from Minho who is standing there in confused.

"But the sky is still bright enough than my phone's brightness?"

Hyunjin who ran away like he always do, confused to why he felt like that. He felt his heart ache when Minho talking about whoever that guy he's 'dating' with. Can't figure why but he keep on rethinking the word 'Jealous' that are said by Minho just a moment ago.

"Why would I be jealous? Shouldn't I be happy if Minho hyung really have someone for him? I mean I like Jisung after all.."

But does he? Is the feeling even real? Hyunjin's sighted getting blurry as tears drop down one by one through his cheeks as he keeps thinking about it throughly, even tho it's hurting his brain and his heart, but still he desperately wants to know why he is feeling this way. [you need a love therapy at this point, Hyunjin.]

He made his way to his house with a mess, his mom who took one day leave from work, surprised to see his older son like this.

"Oh my god, Hyunjin?!"

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