Chapter 15

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Reader/or any other sans that may pop up




-Y/N= your name

Y/N's POV:

I slept, but didn't dream. It wasn't very satisfying either, since I didn't feel like I slept for very long when Cross woke me up. In fact, it felt like Cross woke me up the moment I fell asleep.

"Hey. Y/N?" I hear Cross' voice. He's right next to me, I know it, but it also feels so distant...

I groan, attempting to tug the blanket over my head, but to no avail. Cross was holding on to the blanket, making sure I don't fall asleep again.

I stick my hand up, then grumbled, "Five more minutes..."

I heard a flicker, and then the lights turned on, burning through my eyelids.

"AUGHHHH-" I sit up, still shutting my eyes tight, and threw my pillow in the vicinity of the one who took away my beloved rest. I later plop back down, this time successfully wrapping myself in the blanket. Even though I won't be back to sleep, I could still keep the warmth.

I heard a sigh, and then Cross was sitting besides me.

"Oh c'mon. It's 10 already, and you still haven't woken up. Also, I have something to tell you," Cross poked my back as he said so.

Something to tell me? Hearing that, my eyes flew open— which stung a little bit— and threw the blanket off of me. I sprang up, staring at him with almost infantile excitement.

"What is it? I'm listening."

"Okay. First, I heard about your amnesia, but I was told that you didn't really seem all that surprised when Nightmare caught you. Why's that?"

"Well, I did regain some memories. Not the earlier ones though."

Cross nods in understanding. He seems to be thinking...

"Okay, well. This might surprise you then, but..." Cross diverts his eyes to the lamp besides me, trailing off.

"But what? Get to the point," I urge. I was so close to the information I had been practically begging for last night.


"Go on," I continue.

I was expecting pretty much everything but Cross still managed to throw me off guard with the next two words I'd never believe would come out of his mouth: "We're siblings."

A New Soul? (Ink!Sans x Reader x Error!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now