Chapter 19

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Reader/ or any other sans that may pop up




-Y/N= your name

-H/L= hair length


Y/N's POV:

I didn't even have time to comprehend what just happened when everything was chaos.

Horror was screaming on the top of his lungs, and emo skeleton was staring the flying cockroach (well, it's not really a cockroach, but close enough) down, as if willing it to stay the fuck away from him. Nightmare seemed as shocked as I was, and I think Error was just out of sight, although near me. I could hear him cursing under his breath.

"KILLITKILLITKILLITKILLITKILLITKILLIT-" Killer rambled on, but then sucked in a breath, slowing but not lowering his voice down just a bit, "SOMEBODY JUST KILL ITTTT"

"SOMEBODY KILL THE FLYING COCK," Killer continued to scream. I laughed to myself at his wording, but he doesn't seem to realize what he just said. I think he's a bit too panicked to care even if he did.

Somebody threw an ax, nearly chopping my ear off at it, but the cockroach avoided it with its masterful flying skills. I suck in a breath, brushing my hand against my ear as if to check if it's there. A few strands of my H/L H/C hair were on the floor. I'd hate to think what would've happened if the person threw it a little bit closer to me. I shuddered at the thought.

I finally got to my senses in the midst of chaos. I needed to kill the cockroach—fast—before I get murdered brutally by one of the Sans. It's kill or be killed.

I plan on throwing a slipper at it. 110% accuracy can't fail me... or could it? This is a cockroach we're talking about right now. Cockroaches have everything up their sleeves. They could even defy physics if they truly wanted to. Cockroaches are just too unpredictable.

Whatever. It's still worth a try.

I grab a random slipper, not noticing the strands of shouting and cursing and the thump as I did so, and threw the black slipper at the cockroach.

The cockroach swerved through the sky, and I sighed as it did so, until my slipper did something unexpected: it bounced on the fridge, knocking the cockroach off course and squishing it.

"YES!" Me and some other Sans exclaimed.

Then Killer hugged me until I'm out of breath while Crackhead kneeled at my feet.

"THANK THE LORD-" Killer started.

The emo Sans—Dust, if I remember correctly— patted me on the back, "Nice work, Human."

Horror started looking at me as if I was a god, and said, "I thought we were doomed from that cockroach."

Yeah, I thought so too, but not from the cockroach, I thought to myself. I rub my neck.

"WeLL, i DoN't rEaLLy aPprEciAtE tHe FaCt ThAt yOu tOoK mY sLiPpEr To KiLL iT aNd KnOcKeD tHe WoNdErFuL mE oVeR," a voice called from behind me.

I turned around, facing Error who was sitting on the floor, rubbing the back of his head. He was glaring daggers at me and was missing one of his black slippers.

Uh-oh, I thought. That's not good...

"I'm... sorry?"

I never been the best at apologizing, and it's just kind of awkward.

"i'M gOiNg To FuCkiNg MuRd-" Error started, but then interrupted by Killer.

"It was for the greater good. That roach had to die, and your slipper was the sacrifice," Killer said, all serious. He was struggling to keep a straight face.

Then we both collapsed on the floor, laughing. I think in that moment, we made a wordless agreement that we'll be pretty good friends.

Error says something about that this isn't funny, since we just dirtied his shoe and hurt his ass, but that only made us laugh more.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Cross acting strange. He looks like he's muttering under his breath, but it looks more like he's trying to talk to somebody that isn't there. That's strange. I look at him.

Dust was just beside him, looking like he's joining the shadows. I'm assuming Cross is trying to talk to Dust, just that the emo skeleton isn't bothering to listen.

Nightmare was on the side, looking a little bewildered but still calm. Cross was having his non-existent conversation with Dust, who isn't even paying the slightest attention to his words. Killer was wiping tears from his eyes, and then started arguing with Horror because Horror caused his popcorn to spill. Error watches T.V., this time wearing a pair of red round glasses. I guess that's why he was squinting earlier. He's just blind.

I smile at all of this with one peculiar thought.

Maybe getting kidnapped by this murder-happy group isn't that bad after all.

A New Soul? (Ink!Sans x Reader x Error!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now