Chapter 18

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Reader/ or any other sans that may pop up




-Y/N=your name

-F/C=favorite color

-F/F=favorite food

Y/N's POV:

I stumble out of the door groggily while brushing my teeth after Cross called me once again to eat some breakfast. I was still half awake, and everything was kind of blurry until I rubbed my eyes some more.

"Y/N! Come eat already!" I heard Cross' voice down the hallway.

"Comin-" I shouted, but then started choking intensely on the minty Crest toothpaste.

I start coughing and spitting into the sink, tearing up. After a while, my throat only stung a little bit. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped my mouth.

"YoU gOoD?" Error walked in, looking quite disturbed.

"Yeah, just choked a little bit," I replied as I put the F/C toothbrush back where it belonged.

"a LiTtLe BiT? tHaT diDn'T sOuNd LiKe A liTtLe BiT tO mE," Error shrugged, "iT sOuNdEd MoRe LiKe  'dYiNg CaT tRyiNg To CoUgH uP a HaiRbAlL'."

I glared at him a bit, and then confidently said, "You're just jealous you'll never sound like the angelic and wonderful me."

Error rolled his eyes, "YoU wisH. gO eAt yOu AnOmAlY."

I roll my eyes dramatically right back at him,muttering, "Okay, Glitch Bitch."

Before he reacted, I sprinted down the hallways and slid on the stair handles down the stairs. My ass burned a little bit after that, but I landed on my feet anyways.

I hear Error shouting behind me, something about him regretting the fact he left me alive. Oh well, I'll just deal with that later.

All of the Sans were already done with their breakfast, as expected, but Cross put my food down on the table. It was F/F, my favorite. It's exactly/not exactly what I usually eat for breakfast, but I'll take it. It's food and it's good anyways. I sat down, noticing something strange right behind him.

Are those dishes washing itself?

I blinked, but there were no dishes to be found. I'm probably not fully awake yet. That's it.

I look at the long table, with around a dozen of seats surrounding it. They're empty at the moment, except for Crackhead, who was digging into a plate of lord-knows-what, but the table quite similar to what Ink's base had. I could just imagine all of the Sans just sitting in those seats.

I felt a pang of worry. Do they know I'm here?

Even though Cross is nice and all, and the others don't seem to have the intent of killing me. Never mind, I take that back. They all seem to have to intent to literally rip my guts out and hang them out the window to dry, but they aren't going to kill me yet. Except Cross the fluffy skelly. He's nice. I'm going to have to figure out a way to get the fuck out of here before I die.

In this situation, I shouldn't be treating this place like home. Even though Cross is a good person, he can't really protect me against a bunch of blood-thirsty crazy skeleton that just wants my head. Plus, I need to face the facts. I'm still kidnapped, and I still technically have no way out other than those portals that the Sans were able to make.

When I first got here, I tried to make one of those portals, since I could do some things that Sans does. It didn't work. I guess I also have my limits.

I sigh, but continue eating anyways. This is one heck of a problem I had gotten myself into.

I finished, pushing my chair away from the table. I finished fast, because Horror, the crackhead, was pretty creepy. Standing up, I walked over to the kitchen and start washing my dishes.

I notice that Crackhead is digging through the fridge to get some food, as if he wasn't devouring some earlier. The gooey eyes dude is watching T.V, scrolling through the videos on YouTube until he found one he liked. I knew I'm going to be pretty bored, but I didn't want to sit down next to one of my kidnappers. That's weird. They're going to think I have Stockholm Syndrome or something of the sort.

I try to focus on something else, such as wandering around the building and doing absolutely nothing.

Soon enough, boredom won over my pride, so I sat down on the couch and watched whatever Killer was watching.

He caught my eye, and then said, "S'up."

"Hi," I said, plopping down on the sofa.

Killer was watching Naruto: Shippuden. Interesting. I never thought a skeleton like him would watch anime, but it also matched him as well. He looks the most, um, optimistic out of all of the Sans.

One or two episodes into the anime, Error hung on his blue strings upside down, squinting at the television.

"WhAt ArE yOu WaTcHiNg?" he asked, still squinting. He probably calmed down quick. Error seemed to be fumbling in his coat's pocket, trying to get something out.

"Naruto: Shippuden. Nothin' much," Killer grumbled as he stuffed popcorn into his mouth.

Since when did he get that? I wondered.

"OOOOH, OOOOH, I WANT SOMEEEE," Crackhead nearly tackled Killer to the ground, grabbing at the bag.


Error and I made eye contact. We both shrugged, and while Error dropped himself on the sofa and made himself comfortable, I took this opportunity and charged for Horror. I snagged the popcorn bag in time, laughing the whole way.

But then I paused. On the kitchen counter, I saw a massive cockroach. It stared into my soul with it's beady eyes.

And then it flew.

A/N: I couldn't decide on how it would end this chapter so it took a while. So, I took the ez route.

A New Soul? (Ink!Sans x Reader x Error!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now