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And our first ship is Cleril!  (ClayxPeril) I hope you enjoy!

        I ship Cleril.

        As seen in many of the books, Peril is clearly in love with Clay. As seen in the epilogue of Darkness of Dragons, it is hinted that Clay loves her back when he says 'Peril. I'd love too'. Of course, this could've been merely a statement of friendship. But I think it goes deeper then that. As seen in Escaping Peril, when Peril is eavesdropping on Clay, Starflight, and Ruby, Starflight mentions that Peril is hopelessly in love with Clay. Clay is flustered and embarrassed at this, and to you non-Cleril shippers, it technically could've just been that Clay was embarrassed about this. However, at some point in the series (I forgot when), Moon mentions that Clay does appear to have feelings for Peril. 

        All in all, I guess I don't have too much evidence. But I still think they're super cute together, and..... I guess that'll be it for this ship. Sorry it was so short. Next up: Ripnami.

Edit: There is also Moon's vision of a possible future in Moon Rising, where a copper-brown dragonet appears. This is likely a dragonet of Clay and Peril.

Okay, so. Sorry that was super short, but this is pretty much my first ever chapter of writing a book. Looking back at what I just wrote, I'm realizing how short that was. And how little evidence I provided. I promise, the chapters will get better, especially as I grow as a writer. I hope you enjoyed, and I'm starting on the Ripnami chapter now. Live free and be happy.


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