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At last, at last, here's another one! Pertle here, requested by MogfOrLife and I hope you enjoy! I don't know what's wrong with my computer, all the images I find when I search for stuff is super blurry so I can't even see what half of them are, and when I looked for a picture of Peril and Turtle, very blurry pictures of either Peril, or Turtle, or the JW came up, but no Peril and Turlte, so, sorry it's just Peril.

I don't ship this.

Not just because I ship Cleril and Turtlejou, but because I think it ruins a great friendship. Although, I do see why people might think it's cute. Peril and Turtle share a lot of laughs together, and their personalities are polar opposites, but they work well together. It would be a hilarious, cute, and memorable partnership. However, I do think that it requires some changes to Wings of Fire. In what universe would Peril give up Clay? It's not realistic. Then again, a lot of it is unrealistic. (These are fictional dragons, after all!) Pertle is one of those ships that can be argued about for a while. There are a lot of reasons to not ship it, and a lot to ship it. If Peril and Turtle were together, it would be a good relationship, I admit, but I just can't see Peril giving up Clay, and Turtle not liking Kinkajou anymore. Plus, if they ever broke up, it would be hard to repair that friendship. I think that they're better off as friends, but some people think otherwise, and I get why. Now, I won't do too much right there because the same could technically also apply for Lynxter, and I don't want to harm that amazing ship. So, I'm probably gonna leave it here. All in all, Pertle wouldn't work because of Turtlejou and Cleril, but I see why it would be cute if Turtlejou and Cleril weren't there.

Hopefully that was good enough. I've still got a lot of requests to do, but please feel free to leave more!


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