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Again, I couldn't find a picture of Sunny and Meerkat..... so I just did Sunny.

I ship this.

        I know that they haven't even met, which is why this chapter will probably be kinda short, but here's the thing: Tui said somewhere (I forgot where) that Sunny would be with someone she hasn't met yet. Meaning no Sunnyflight, which I personally am celebrating. (No offense, Sunnyflight shippers!) And Meerkat is a popular possibility. I don't know where this started, but all I really know is that I ship it. Honestly, it's because based on what we've seen, I think they would go well together. Only speculation, of course, but then again, isn't it all speculation?

        All in all, I do think that if Sunny and Meerkat ever meet, they would get along well. This ship isn't the most popular, for sure, but I think it's cute. 

Nothing to really say here, so bai


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