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I've returned to this book! Sorry, I've been busy with other stuff. But here's Skunny, requeseted by Playpuppyplay 

I don't ship this.

Why? I ship both with other characters, plus, even though their personalities are thought similar by a lot of people, I don't really think so. Sure, they're both kind and optimistic, but Sky is a whole lot more innocent and sincere and cinnamon roll-ish, while Sunny is a lot more grown-up and, honestly, not really all that innocent and stuff. Sure, she's often happy and optimistic and kind to those around her, but that's just markings of a good dragon, if you know what I mean. Plus, I personally think that Sky needs someone to balance out his adorableness. I mean, if we were to put some of the two most enthusiastic dragons in the series in a RELATIONSHIP, instead of just a friendship, I think that both would be mentally and emotionally overwhelmed. Maybe you feel this way too, maybe you don't. The moral of the story is, I think that they each need someone to help them, and to strengthen them. I just don't feel that Skunny would be a good idea, for Sunny or Sky, and I don't think that it would work out well.

Also, no offense to Skunny shippers, but they have a horrible ship name if you ask me-not that it really matters.

So! I hope you enjoyed, and next time I'll try not to wait a month before doing another!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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