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Hello, and here is Darksight! Hope you enjoy!

I don't ship this.

I ship Clearstreak, but we'll get to that in another chapter. Why don't I ship Darksight? Well, it would be an AMAZING ship, and I would ship it with my entire heart and soul, but there this one, teensy, TEENSY little thing. Darkstalker's totally evil. Clearsight betrayed him (Go Clearsight!) to stop him from taking over the world, very smart choice on her part right there. Darkstalker really loved her, though, and her, him. But it would never work out, considering that Darkstalker's evil and currently a one-year-old dragonet named Peacemaker who is half RainWing and loves strawberries, and Clearsight is... well, dead. Overall, this ship could or couldn't work out, depending on which way you view it. Love on both parts, but circumstances were not in favor. I think it wouldn't considering the whole Darkstalker-is-evil-and-cares-more-about-power-then-he-does-Clearsight problem, but maybe in an alternate universe.

And here I am, finally updating this book. In my defense, I haven't had much time for writing lately and wanted to update other stuff with the time I did have. No idea why I wrote this chapter maybe ten days ago, then just now added two more sentences, this note at the bottom, and published it. Looking back, I found that I haven't done some things requested, so I'll make sure to get to those next. Live free and be happy.


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