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Just to get over to all these Snowfall ships..(I've only heard of two but ANYWAYS, here ya are!) Picture of Snowfall, because yet again, I couldn't find one of her and Sky.

I ship this. Strongly.

It's SO CUTEEEE! Snowfall literally carved a SNAIL in Sky's honor! While she may have just been carving a snail, even Lynx teased her about it! And we all know how amazing Lynx's judgement is. Sky likes almost anyone, but he does hang around Snowfall quite a bit, and honestly, I don't get why people ship Skunny instead of Skyfall. Mysterious people, I say. Why ship something like that when you can ship Skyfall, and Sunkat too.. but anyways, I'm not here to talk about other people's opinion of ships, 'cause everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Back to what I'm actually supposed to be writing about. Sky and Snowfall would be a supercute couple, and I really want to see it canon. I've heard some people say that Tui said somewhere that she didn't even mean to make Skyfall a ship, but I don't know where, or if it's true 'cause I'm too lazy to check. I still think that SKyfall is adorable and should definitely happen, and maybe you do too, maybe you don't.

There's that for you. I know I've gotten like two requests that I still haven't done, but I keep only remembering them after I've written the chapters and don't have time for more. I'll try to get to them soon, though! Live free and be happy.


Wings of Fire Ships and my opinion on them!Where stories live. Discover now