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And here's the Ripnami chapter! I'm hoping it'll be longer then the last one. My goal: 250-300 words. Comment ship requests here!

        I ship it.

        So, we've seen in The Lost Heir of how Tsunami is wanting to see Riptide, even after he lied to her about Webs being his father, and being a member of the Talons of Peace. As said by Tsunami, she was mad, but still wanted to be on speaking terms. As for Riptide, as described in The Dangerous Gift, Riptide's entire face lit up when he saw her, and was obviously happy to see her. Tsunami, while perhaps slightly less noticeably (with her being Tsunami), was really happy to see him too. And they tried hugging, but ended up bonking heads or something. Also, stated on the Wings of Fire Fandom Wiki, on Tsunami and Riptide's pages, it is mentioned that they are in a long-distance relationship. So...... basically, Ripnami is canon. I really hope that there ends up being a book on how their relationship ends up. A Winglet, perhaps? I'm getting off topic. I suppose I should probably add some reasons about how it might not work out.

        Reasons that Ripnami might not work out is because they don't see each other as much as many of the other Wings of Fire couples do, due to them having a long-distance relationship. Also, if you really think about it, they haven't had that many scenes together. Buuuuut I still say Ripnami forever. Overall, if it works out, they'd be a super awesome couple. If it didn't..... let's just say that there would probably be a lot of enraged Ripnami shippers. Including me. I think that'll be it for this chapter. Next up: Glorybringer.

Edit: There is also evidence of a possible Ripnami dragonet in Moon's vision of a possible future in Moon Rising.

Soooo.... it was longer this time! I broke 300 words. Please comment if you have any advice or ship requests. Glorybringer will be my next ship, as mentioned above. I'll probably start writing it now. Live free and be happy.


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