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I ship this.

It's actually one of the only ships I like that's after another ship. What I mean by that is since Thorn was with Stonemover first, I normally hate a second relationship with a different dragon with one of those. But Thornder is one that I like. Thorn and Smolder really get along well, making jokes and such, plus, in Darkness of Dragons, Smolder was acting a bit protective of his new queen. While this may just be loyalty, there are other instances too when Thorn and Smolder have these... moments. Now, for why someone wouldn't ship it: Smolder did betray Thorn and Sunny and planned to hand them over to Burn as trophies. This, for some, might be a perfect reason not to ship it, saying it's unforgivable. This is a serious act, and I probably would say that, but I find Thornder to cute to ignore. Another reason why someone might not ship it is that Thorn was with Stonemover first, and they ship Thornmover, and/or just want her to be single.

We do have Qibli's insight on Thornder too (which I find a lot more reliable then Kinkajou's, just a fact, as a reference to the Anemarin page). I do think Thornder is well on it's way to coming canon, and while it isn't one of my favorite ships, I do like it. I used to be a Thornmover shipper, but after reading Darkness of Dragons a few times, I do ship Thornder now.

And there you are. Look at me, posting two chapters in two days! On this book, at least. I hope you all enjoyed!


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