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This ship was requested by  @MyponyLunaM00n 

Thanks for putting in a request! This chapter might be kinda short because they only appear for The Flames of Hope, but I'll try my best!

Okay, so.... I don't ship this. But I do get why people do.

        Jamapple (Jambu and Pineapple) is canon, and they do care for each other a lot, as shown in Pineapple's memory that he chooses to share with Lizard in The Flames of Hope. In this memory, Pineapple and Jambu are shown having sun time, and when Queen Glory comes to ask for Jambu to accompany her to Sanctuary for the Queens' meeting. Jambu doesn't want to go, so Pineapple volunteers in his place so that Jambu can stay home. He did this for Jambu, technically, and was seen missing him in the memory he shared. I don't really have much more proof here.... after all, Pineapple only really appears in The Flames of Hope, so overall there's not that much. However, it is mentioned that this ship is canon in the books, and I can see why people ship it. I get that they are cute together, but... I'm not sure, really.

My apologies for the short chapter, I didn't have much. The next one will (hopefully!) be better. Live free and be happy.



I couldn't find a picture of Pineapple and Jambu, so I just did one of Jambu.

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