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Now, time for Glorybringer! This one will probably be longer than the last two.

        I ship it. SO MUCH! If you can't tell by my username. This is my favorite Wings of Fire ship, and let me tell you why.

        One of the reasons I like Glorybringer is because Glory and Deathbringer's personalities fit so well together. Ever since they met in The Hidden Kingdom, they've just fallen for each other more. How do I know this? Well, Deathbringer flirts with Glory often, and it's pretty obvious about how he feels about her. In Assassin, Deathbringer states that if he ever finds someone he cares about as much as he cared for his mother, he would break any rule. Disobey any order. Endanger his entire tribe. That someone is Glory. He became her bodyguard to protect her, defend her, and know her. Glory, however, is far less obvious about her feelings, but it's stated fairly clearly several times. She turns light pink often in his presence, which is a color she hates and tries hard not to show very often. Glory is smart and sarcastic, and Deathbringer complements that sarcasm with some of his own. 

        In Talons of Power, when Darkstalker comes to claim the NightWing tribe for himself, even with an animus spell, Deathbringer chooses Glory. No hesitation. And he does succumb to Darkstalker's spell, as shown when he thinks Darkstalker is charming and safe. Some of you non-Glorybringer shippers might say that this was just out of loyalty, not love. I say that this was both. Deatherbringer chooses Glory every time. Loyalty to love. Loyalty to Glory.

        Now, I realize I've stated more on Deathbringer than Glory, but that is partially because Deathbringer is far more obvious with how he feels towards Glory. Glory does have her moments, though. Sometimes you need to look. No matter what comes upon the RainWing and NightWing tribes, Glory has Deathbringer's undying loyalty. And he has her heart.

        In Moon's vision in Moon Rising, there is a NightWing/RainWing hybrid female dragonet named Firefly who appears. Firefly is confirmed to be the possible future daughter of Glory and Deathbringer. In short, Glorybringer is canon. Just because something's canon doesn't mean you have to agree, but here, I definitely do.

        I think I got almost all of it. There was one more thing I wanted to say, though. These two would never give up on one another, and if you ask me, that's what matters the most. Loyalty, trust, and love.

Soooo..... I lied. I didn't start writing this immediately after the Ripnami chapter. Sorry! In my defense, I did have to go. But I'm back now! And with a new chapter that broke 400 words! I know it's not that much, but... new record for this book! While writing this chapter about Glorybringer, I had thought up a really good ending sentence, but as soon as I went to write it, I forgot it! If I remember it I'll probably edit it back in. Also, the next ship will probably be Starspeaker. I guess that's it for now. Live free and be happy.


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