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Okay, so... I definitely do NOT ship this. (No offense to Sunnyflight shippers) But I still thought it would be a good idea to include it in here.

I don't ship this because: I ship Starspeaker and Sunkat. Just kidding, that's not the only reasons. Sunny doesn't love Starflight, and Starflight doesn't even love Sunny anymore. I think this would be kind of a weird relationship, because Sunny and Starflight are a lot more like brother and sister than a ship if you ask me. A reason it COULD work out is because Starflight did technically have feelings for Sunny at one point, and I mean... Well, Sunny wouldn't ever feel that way about him. I get that they're maybe a cute pairing, but... They don't love each other so that kinda ruins it. I honestly don't know how this could work out, but I'll try and list some reasons. Let's see, some people argue that Starflight still does love Sunny, and Sunny might eventually have feelings for him too. But here's the thing: Sunny specifically stated that she would never feel that way about Starflight. She thinks of him as a BROTHER. Nothing more.

        In Moon Rising, as shown in Moon's vision, there is a dragonet that calls Starflight 'Father'. I'd agree that this COULD be a Sunnyflight dragonet, one that just looks like Starflight, except for this: It is specifically described as a NIGHTWING dragonet. That means that it technically can't be a Sunnyflight dragonet, because Sunny is a SandWing/NightWing (And IceWing). All in all, I really don't think this ship would work out, but I see why people think it could.

I couldn't really think of that much proof of why it could happen, sorry. I also wrote this pretty quickly, because I wanted to give you guys a chapter. Next ship will be Sunkat, unless if I get any requests. Live free and be happy.


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