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Just a random ship I decided to write-

I'm half-and-half

I think that in another universe, they could wind up together. Carnelian isn't this super angry and hostile dragon, she's just insecure and thinks she's only good at fighting. (Okay, maybe she is kind of angry and hostile, but we'll save that for Flame). As for Flame, I think he's misunderstood. He's not the most pleasant dragon, yes, but think about how things were different if his face hadn't been scarred. He may still be angry and all, but he has a mother who cares about him, and in this other universe, where Carnelian is alive and Flame didn't get scarred, I think they could actually end up together. It may have it's difficulties, but it would be one of those ships that would be worth it in the end, if it ended up in a not-Arcticslayer situation. This is some serious hypothetical and optimistic thinking of course, but then again, isn't that our job as FanWings? Anyways, I'm kind of convincing myself to ship this, but I'm not sure. This ship is something kind of like Blisterseer, one of those two-villains-make-a-good-ship ones, and I am NOT calling my third favorite character a villain, but they're... angry, insecure, hostile, unpleasant, and harsh. I still kind of ship this. All in all, in our supposed 'other universe', I think it has a chance.

I did this ship because I thought it would be short and quick, which is what I needed to do because I didn't have much time, yet here it is as one of the longest yet. And yes, my third favorite character is Carnelian. We-we don't question it. She's undeniably awesome for me. The picture at the top is Carnelian, because I couldn't find one of Flame and Carnelian. Live free and be happy.


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