Part 1

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"Hey, Taylor sweetie wake up, we'll be landing soon"

I woke to my mom shaking me lightly by the shoulder. We'd been flying for what seems like forever, and we were now on our final decent into London. I smiled up at my mom whilst stretching my arms out in front of me.

"It's about time" I said, looking down into the seat next to me, finding none other than my cat Meredith sleeping soundly in one of the most awkward positions I have ever seen anything sleep in. I laughed as I slid up the window shutter and squinted as the sun came shining in. My mom picked up my other cat Olivia from the chair next to her and began to shuffle her into her carry cage.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I asked, admiring the British landscape as we continued to descend.

"About 3 hours" my mom replied, fastening the locks on Olivia's cage. She then wondered over to pick up Meredith to put her in her own cage.

"Wow, seems like longer" I replied. I reached for my handbag that was on the floor in front of me. I rummaged through for my phone, and when I eventually found it I turned it on to discover a massive amount of notifications. Emails from management, texts from Karlie, twitter, Facebook and Instagram messages.

"I really can't be bothered answering all these right now, jetlag will be the death of me" I said with sarcasm, throwing my phone back in my bag. My mom chuckled as she sat back in her seat, fastening her seatbelt.

Before we knew it we had touched down at Heathrow, and I was actually quite excited to be back in the UK. It brought back the amazing memories of when I played at the O2 in London during the red tour. We got got off the jet and started to head towards the airport, my mom carrying Meredith and me carrying Olivia.

Once outside, I was greeted by a mass of flashing lights. I was now alone as my mom had taken the cats and gone in a separate car, I was heading straight to the arena for rehearsals. My bodyguards cleared the path of paparazzi as I headed for the black Range Rover parked down the road

"Taylor over here"
"Taylor look this way love"
"Any men in your life Taylor?"

I adjusted my raybans and continued to walk behind my bodyguard. This was the worst thing about being famous, having strangers shouting at you wherever you go.
I slid into the back seat of the Range Rover quickly, and the driver pulled away. I took a deep breath and took off my sunglasses.

"Are you here for the Brits Miss Swift" the driver said looking at me through his rear view mirror.

"Yes I am"

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