Part 20

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After Karlie left, I took myself to bed and just wept into my pillow, once again, I was heartbroken. I couldn't bare even watch this video Karlie had told me about. I thought about him, his gorgeous eyes and smile, and how he had cast his spell upon me and I had fallen for him, for me just to end up like this. Eventually I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up it was pitch black outside. I'd left my curtains open, the moon was beaming in through the window, and I also noticed that my phone was buzzing on the bedside table. I raised my head, wiping away the smudged mascara under my eyes. Pushing myself up on my elbow I reached for my phone, it was Calvin. Seeing his number on my phone made the tears start to reappear.

"Hello" I said sniffling, my voice raspy from just waking up.

"Hey Taylor, sorry I haven't called"

I couldn't bring myself to answer him.


"Calvin I don't want you calling me anymore, don't bother texting me either, just stay away from me"

I angrily disconnected the call, throwing it onto the bedroom floor next to me bed. I rolled over and began to weep. Seconds later, my phone started ringing again. I didn't move. I knew it'd be him. I glanced at the clock on the other bedside table to notice it was only 9pm. Once my phone stopped ringing, I got out of bed and picked it up. I had an answer phone message. I looked at it on the screen, dying to listen to what he had to say. I wiped the tears away and headed out my bedroom, pulling up the cardigan that had slid down one of my shoulders.

I decided to make something to eat. After all that had happened in the last few hours I had forgotten to make dinner for myself. Whilst cutting up the vegetables, almost chopping my fingers off with frustration, I was thinking about how I don't need him. Iv gone this long without a boyfriend, why should I suddenly need one now? As I was stiring the sauce in the pan, I jumped at the sound of a knock on the door, but it wasn't just any knock, it was an angry knock. I stood in the kitchen slightly worried. Then they hammered their fist against the door again, I once again jumped. I turned off the stove and quietly wondered over to the door. Before I had a chance to even touch the lock, I heard that low, Scottish voice I had come to know all to well.

"Taylor, open the door, I know you're in there"

My heart raced. He was here, stood right outside my door.

"Taylor, open the fucking door!"

He was angry. He obviously wanted to know what was wrong. I had to open it. I knew he wouldn't leave till I did. I composed myself, telling myself to act angry in front of him rather than run into his arms and kiss him, which deep down is what I really wanted to do. I swung open the door angrily, making him take a step back in surprise.

"What do you want?"

"Woah Taylor, what the hell is wrong?"

I shook my head, squinting at him slightly before I sarcastically scoffed at him. He stood there looking really confused.

"I'll show you what's wrong"

I turned back into the house and went for my phone that was on the kitchen counter. I went on YouTube and typed in 'Calvin harris interview', scrolled down a bit and found the dreaded interview Karlie had told me about. I started to play it and turned around to see he had followed me inside. I handed him the phone. As he watched the video I could see his face sinking into a look of devastation.

"Taylor honestly I..."

"Spare me the time Calvin, just leave, I don't want to hear it"

"Taylor this was months ago, before I even met you" he held up the phone pointing at it.

"I don't care, you said it which means you felt it. Why would you be so desperate to get me to go out with you if I'm the opposite of your type" I did the quotation gesture with my fingers, making him throw the phone down on the counter. He started pacing, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, his eyes tightly shut.

"Look Taylor, it's different now.."

"How is it different?" I yelled at him, throwing my arms in the air.

"It just is ok, it's all changed since then"

"You're not making any sense, tell me how it's different, how I am suddenly your type"

He started pacing again, holding his hands behind his head.

"Come on Calvin tell me..."

"'s because.."

I laughed, turning my head away from him.

"You can't even tell me can you? Just leave, get out" I stormed towards him

"It's because I LOVE YOU"

I froze just before I reached him. He took hold of my arms just below the shoulder.

"Taylor Swift I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you, I might have said you weren't my type back then but that is completely irrelevant now, you do something to me that no one else has ever done, you have this uncontrollable force pulling me towards you and I just can't resist it. Taylor please, I love you"

A tear rolled down my cheek. Not once did I take me eyes off him. I felt paralysed. No one had ever looked me in the eyes and told me they loved me like that. He rested his forehead against mine, more tears began to fall.

"I love you too"

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