Part 17

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My eyes fluttered open. I squinted as the rays of daylight peaked through gap in the curtains. I rolled over to notice there was no one sleeping beside me. I sat up quickly, holding the duvet to my chest. Panicking I looked around my bedroom, his clothes had gone, his shoes had gone, the watch he took off and put on the bedside table was gone, there was no trace of him at all. I am such an idiot! How could I trust him. Iv never had sex with anyone like that, and last night was a big deal for me. Iv always respected myself to much to just sleep with every guy I see, but Calvin was...different.

I got up and angrily put on a pair of jeans and a t shirt that were draped over the chair in the corner of the room. With Meredith hot on my heels, I thumped down the stairs.

"God why did I do that? Why did I sleep with him?"

I cursed under my breath heading for the kitchen, but as I turned the corner, I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Morning sleepy head" Calvin was stood at the cooker preparing pancakes. My mouth hung open in pure shock.

"Would you like strawberries with the pancakes" he said pointing into the pan?

"Erm yes please" I said stuttering slightly. I walked into the kitchen and leant against the island, admiring his muscular frame from behind.

"There's a pot of coffee prepared aswell" he said turning his head so he could see me out of the corner of his eye. I walked over to the coffee pot and poured us both a mug. "You're awfully quiet this morning" he said not taking his eyes off the frying pan.

"I'm sorry I just...I just wasn't expecting to see you this morning" we both turned to face eachother at the same time.

"And whys that?" He said folding his arms.

"I don't know, I mean, you weren't in bed when I woke up, I thought you'd left" I cupped the warm coffee mug with both my hands, leaning up against the kitchen counter.

"I thought you'd appreciate waking up to breakfast, since you're so used to waking up in this massive house alone"

I smiled down at the floor, and I heard his footsteps shuffle towards me. He then took my face in both of his large hands and tilted my head up so I was looking straight into his eyes. He gently kissed me before releasing me and walking back to the cooker. I slowly blinked as I watched him walking away.

We sat at the dining room table as we finished eating our pancakes and I was sipping my orange juice when he broke the silence

"I should probably call my driver" he said wiping his mouth the with napkin. I place my glass down and looked at him. "Before people think there's something 'going on' between us" he emphasised those words, obviously trying to guilt trip me into admitting that there was actually something going on. I didn't want to admit it but I had to say something.

"Well I think it's a bit late for that" I straightened the knife and fork on my plate nervously. I could sense the confusion on his face.

"In what way?"

I looked up at him "we were photographed by god knows how many people last night, I can't even bring myself to look on the internet at what they're saying about me"

"Taylor you care too much"

"I know, and that's the problem"

"Don't worry, everything is going to be fine" he flashed his gorgeous smile at me, making me smirk back. The then stood up and took our dishes into the kitchen.

Calvin stood at the front door, fully dressed in the same clothes as yesterday. His driver had brought his range rover to my house so he could drive himself home. He stood so his face was inches away from mine, tucking the loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Until next time" he whispered. Without saying anything back, I raised myself up on my tiptoes and planted my lips against his. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up a few inches off the floor. We both laughed into the kiss before he gently lowered me onto the floor again, he then opened the door and walked away. I stood leaning against the door frame as I watched him meet his driver at the bottom of the path.

This man was hypnotising, and I think I am falling for him!

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