Part 16

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As per usual, Haim were amazing! I'd enjoyed myself so much, and realising every now and again that Calvin was stood next to me, only made me happier, as much as wish I could deny it.

He had me dropped off at my LA home once again, and once we pulled up outside, we just sat in silence.

"Would you like to come in?" Oh my god what did I just say? He turned and looked at me and just stared at me for a moment before grinning.


We both got out the car at the same time. As I walked up the path, he said something to the driver through the passenger window, the car then drove away.

"When I said you could come in I meant for a cup of tea, not for a sleepover" I said sarcastically, making him giggle.

"There's no point in him hanging around here though is there" he caught up with me, walking along side me so our arms were brushing against each other.

"Well I hope you told him you're only going to be a few minutes" I joked as I put the key in the lock

"A few minutes is all I need" I immediately turned to face him, look of pure horror on my face.

"I'm joking, I'm joking" he said laughing, throwing his hands in the air.

I rolled my eyes opening the door. As I stepped inside I turned the lights on and stood to one side allowing Calvin in before shutting the door. He was still giggling to himself as he took off his coat.

"Not too shabby" he said wondering around, looking at the photos on the walls.

"Thanks" I said, walking into the large kitchen. I threw my handbag down on the table. "What do you want to drink?" I shouted through to him.

"Whatever you've got" he said strolling into the kitchen.

"Well there's red wine, white wine.." I replied, opening the wine fridge pointing inside

"Red sounds lovely" he was leaning up against the island in the kitchen, his arms folded watching me as I pottered around the kitchen. I took out two wine glasses and poured the wine out for us.

"Who's this?" He said crouching down. Olivia was rubbing her body up against his legs, Calvin running his hand down her back and tail.

"Oh that's Olivia, there's another one around somewhere, she's probably sleeping...isn't she cute"

"Yeah" he stood up and looked at me. "I can see something cuter though" I nearly choked on the wine I sipped. I firmly places the wine glass down.

"Will you stop!" I couldn't help but smile, all these cheesy lines he was coming out with.

"Okay okay I'm sorry" he walked over to me laughing. He picked up his wine glass and stood rather close to me. He held the glass in the air slightly.

"Cheers" he said beaming down at me. I stared into his eyes for a moment before smiling back.

"Cheers" our glasses clinked together and we sipped the wine. He placed his glass down, licking his lips before he turned to me.

"So what was going on back there ey?" I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"The whole hand holding thing. You did it walking in and out"

I ran my finger around the top of the wine glass, looking down acting all awkward like a little child.

"I was...nervous"

"Really?" He said tilting his head

"Fine I won't do it again" I snapped, turning my head away from him.

"Woah, did I say I didn't like it?" I just shook my head at him, taking in every feature on his perfect face. He then took my wine glass off me and placed it down on the kitchen counter.

"You need to lighten up Miss Swift"

"Please stop calling me that" I said. I felt him move so his hands were around my waist. I flinched, not knowing what to do.

"You don't like it?" He pushed me up against the counter, I felt paralysed. It took me back to the moment he was trying to impress me at the Brits. My breathing became heavier as his face moved dangerously close to mine.

"I much prefer...Taylor" my words weren't coming out as smoothly as I wanted them to. What was this man doing to me? I had no control over my body.

"Well...Taylor, can I have official permission to kiss you?" He was almost whispering, our noses millimetres away from touching, and at that moment, I listened to my heart rather than my head and crashed my lips against his. My arms flung around his neck, my hands running through his hair. My fight to resist him had finally vanished, I just couldn't hold back anymore. His large arms twisted around my back. I felt his hands work their way up my back and into my hair. I gasped as his tongue entered my mouth. Then, in one swooping motion, he lifted me up bridal style, not once breaking the kiss.

He took me into the main living room that was lit up dimly by the lamps in each corner of the room. He placed me down gently on the sofa following me down so he was hovering over me, his hands exploring my body. I moaned as his tongue once again entered my mouth. We broke the kiss for a split second as I pulled his t shirt over his head. Instead of kissing me on the lips he started kissing my neck, my hands on his back and neck as I shut my eyes tight, moaning from the feel of his lips and tongue on my neck. As he nibbled on the sensitive skin, his fingers hooking under my top and he elegantly pulled it over my head. I lay there, my hands stroking up and down his strong forearms as he hovered above me, staring at me.

"What?" I said slightly out of breath

"God you're so beautiful" his lips went back to mine, and I felt him undo the buttons on my jeans. I broke the kiss as I kicked them across the room, instantly pulling him back into the kiss. I soon heard the zipper on his jeans, and he slipped out of them also throwing them across the room. My heart was thumping and the adrenaline was racing around my body. This was the most exhilarating moment of my life. My stomach flipped when I felt something hard on my leg, he could tell I could feel it because he smiled against my lips making me giggle slightly. He kissed down my jawline before nibbling the skin on my neck again, and I could also feel his hand tracing down my collar bone. I gasped as he grabbed my right breast, pulling back my bra so he could kiss and nibble on me. As he softly kissed my breasts, I felt his other hand slide down to my underwear, where he hooked his fingers around the hem of my panties and pulled them off in one movement.

"Just do it" I gasped. His face came back up to meet mine, he smiled at me before crashing his lips to mine again. I felt him shuffle his boxers down to his ankles, then that was it. I pulled my legs back as I felt every inch of him moving in and out of me. His face was buried in my neck, his moans vibrating against my face. My fingers dug into his back which made his thrusts faster. He lips met mine, moaning into eachothers mouths, and then I felt it, and he felt it to. He thrusts slowed down as he moaned loudly down my ear, I felt something warm inside me. His moans turned to heavy breathing, our chests raising up and down in perfect time. He collapsed on top of me, both coming down off our high. He rested his forehead against mine and laughed quietly. I giggled with him, both of us in slight disbelief at what just happened.

We both stood up and started to get dressed in silence. "I should probably call my driver now" I turned to see him standing in his jeans gathering up his t shirt off the floor. Because everything happened so fast, I didn't have time to admire his beautiful body, and now I did.

"Why don't you just...stay" I said buttoning up my shirt. Tonight had escalated so quickly, and I was now asking him to stay the night after what had just happened. He smiled at me as he put on his t shirt.


"Sure" I said, smoothing my messed up hair down with my hands.

"Thank you" he walked over to me and kissed me deeply on the lips. I pulled away biting my lip as he moved the hair out my face.

"Don't know about you but I'm really tired" I said stepping back

"After that, who wouldn't be" we both laughed.

"Come on, I'll show you the bedroom"

With that I took his hand and lead him up the stairs to our room.

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