2. Who is she?

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Kabir's POV:

I was invited as a VIP guest at MNC university for their graduation ceremony today to give a speech to the graduating students. I got down from my car, as soon as people noticed they came around to get my photographs and autographs. My bodyguard quickly made way for me to enter the hall.

When I got there I greeted the principal and moved toward my mom who is also a literature professor here. "Hey Mom," I whispered, getting closer to her.

"Don't call me mom here Kabir!" she whispered back and I chuckled. My mom doesn't want people to know that I am her son because she thinks the students will bother her with questions about me.

"Not fair you got such a handsome son and you are hiding it from people." I said jokingly and she turned towards me.

"Please take your seat Mr. Mehra." she was back in her professional tone. She was the only one who convinced me to come here and now she is ignoring me.

My phone suddenly rang and the screen showed Ahan. I went outside to take the call, I picked the call up and a cheering voice greeted me, "Hey what's up Bro?"

"Why did you call, what's the matter?" I asked in an unconcerned tone.

"I am your best friend, can't I call you?" he said in disappointment and here he goes with his drama.

"Isn't today the last day of filming your upcoming movie? Are you finished?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"I am so tired we shot all night but we finally wrapped up and now I can sleep as much as I want. By the way, are you going to Shreya's birthday party tonight?" he asked excitedly.

"No." I stated firmly.

"Why isn't she your rumored girlfriend these days?" he asked, laughing foolishly.

"If you don't have anything important to say then I'll hang up. I am busy right now." Before I could hang up he spoke, "Okay fine! If you are not going then I am also not going. Are you free tonight? Let's have dinner. It's been a long time since we last had dinner together."

"Okay" I said, sighing and suddenly someone bumped into me. I heard a girl's voice saying "I'm so sorry." I turned towards her and her eyes met mine. Those beautiful brown eyes held something in them and I kept staring at her.

"Hey bro you there? Let's meet at our usual place at 8. I'm so excited we can drink up all night at your club and who knows you might find someone for you." Ahan's voice made me come back to my senses.

"I will call you later." I hung up my phone but didn't move my eyes away from her.

She dropped her phone earlier so I bent down to pick it up but she suddenly took a step back, throwing her hands in the air and said "What are you doing?" She really thought I would do something to her.

I picked up her phone and held it for her to take. Her eyes widened and her cheeks turned red. I don't know what happened but the look on her face was breathtaking.

"T-thank you." She stammered and took the phone from me. She quickly ran away as if I might eat her out but that doesn't seem a bad idea either. What the hell am I thinking? I just met her but I really want to know who she is.

I went back and took my seat among the other invited guests. My eyes were searching only for those shining brown eyes among these thousand and suddenly I spotted her, as soon as our eyes met she looked away. Is she avoiding me?

My turn came and I gave my speech. I was just looking at her and for some reason I just want to keep looking at her. After some time the ceremony got over and the crowd was dismissed. My eyes again started to search for the same face but she was nowhere to be found.

"Mr Mehra, could I speak to you for a minute?" Mom came near and asked me, I nodded and she took me where there were few people.

"Why are you being so sneaky, this way we will catch more people's attention" I whispered and she stared at me.

"I just met my old friend and she invited me for dinner tonight. Are you free?" she asked looking at our surroundings to know if people were watching us.

"I already made dinner plans with Ahan tonight. Should I cancel?" I asked and she shook her head in no.

"It's okay, you go with Ahan. It's been days since you both met but you have to be there when I invite her to our house for dinner tomorrow okay?" I know she was not asking but ordering me.

"Okay I promise I will be there but now I need to leave. I have an important meeting." I hugged her and left the hall.

I took my seat in my car and the driver started to drive. My mind kept going back to that girl, will I meet her again or this was the first and the last time.


Mahi's POV:

"Dada ji!" (grandfather) I screamed and ran towards him, I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

"Won't you hug me?" My brother Rohan said coming closer to us.

I smiled widely at him and hugged him tightly and he returned my hug. "How are you guys here?" I asked Rohan surprisingly after breaking our hug.

"You are graduating today Mahi, How can we not come today?" my grandfather replied and I smiled at him. I can't believe they are here, they told me they can't make it but here they are. Just by looking at their faces I am so happy, now I can say I graduated in a real sense.

"Congratulations my little girl!" I heard my mom's voice and turned to look at her, as always she is looking elegant but wait, what is she doing here it's not like she cares about me.

I frowned at her and asked "What are you doing here?"

"Of course I'm here to witness my little girl's graduation ceremony." she answered.

"Oh please mom, no need to pretend, I know you don't even care." I scoffed.

"Mahi, mind your language!" grandpa stared at me with a disappointed look.

"Sorry grandpa, But she never cared, she never visited me since I moved to Mumbai. It's been 7 years and now if she suddenly remembers that she has a daughter to care about, then I am sorry but I can't act as if nothing happened." I snapped, anger laced my voice and tears burned my eyes.

"Oh baccha (child) don't think like that I always wanted to visit you but you know I was busy with the restaurant and your dad was busy with his business." She explained.

Blinking back the tears I faced my mom, "I know you and dad are busy with your "Big" businesses and I am so glad you were able to make time for this daughter of yours today. I appreciate your efforts Mrs Deshmukh, and now I think your duty of being a mother is over so why don't you go back and focus on your business." I mocked her and moved towards Nitya.

"It's not what you think Mahi, please listen to...." My mom started to speak but I cut her off "Let's go Nitya." I left the hall with Nitya ignoring the calls from my grandfather and brother.

Hey Guys! This is the next chapter and I hope you all liked it. Please vote and comment as it motivates a lot. Also, let me know what do you think about this story in the comments below!

Don't forget to smile, will meet you next Tuesday Bye!!

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