18. She is Special

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A little note for my little bunnies!

Many of you asked for long updates but here is the thing guys, I write around 2000 words for each chapter. I try to make them longer but sometimes the scene get a little longer so I need to cut it and start other chapter. 

Beside that I try to update as per schedule so it's hard for me to write longer chapters every time as I barely get time. I am a student so I have a lot of other things on my plate too but I am trying to manage everything so be little patient with me I am learning with time.

Thank you so much for supporting me and reading my story. You all should know that I love everyone of you <3 Happy reading!!


Mahi's POV:

"Sameer, only 3 hours are left, why the hell are you still not getting ready?" I asked Sameer as he was still busy with all the last minute preparations. We finished our stage rehearsals just an hour ago but Sameer still wants to check everything.

He might always be the I-don't-care-much kind of a person but actually he is the most hard working and serious among all of us whenever we have to perform or we have any event.

"I will be there in a minute. You go ahead." He said and I left, sighing.

"Mahi they are here." Nitya came toward me and I understood what she meant. They are finally here.

"Grandpa!" I went toward him and hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much. How are you?" I pulled back.

"As always this old man is fit and fine." He kissed my forehead. He is the person who makes me the happiest in this whole world. I saw Rohan running toward me, he engulfed me in a tight hug. I almost lost my balance but somehow managed to not fall.

"I missed you Di, a lot!"

"I missed you too Ro." I pulled back and my eyes went to the person behind him. I didn't expect her to come but she never fails to surprise me.

"The costumes are ready, come on guys let's get you all ready." Our team member Riya shouted for all of us to hear. I turned back and nodded.

"Go ahead and get ready. Aj dhoom machana hai tum sabko! Best of luck!" Grandpa wished and we all laughed at his words. (You all have to make a splash today!)

"I will make a vlog of your show and will post it on my YouTube channel so do your best okay?" This was Rohan, obviously all he cares about is his YT channel but I know he loves me too. 

"Thanks a lot for coming and cheering for us. You guys are the best!" I know they are excited more than anyone else.

"Best of luck Mahi I know you will shine, like you always do and wish others luck from my side." Mom came close and kept her hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks." That's all I could say. I don't understand why she always pretends to care and If by any chance she really cares then why is she showing it now, after all these years? Never mind I don't want to think about any of this.

"Nitya takes care of them and be with them all the time. This place will soon get crowded so it might be difficult for them." I told Nitya as she will take good care of them in my absence.

"Don't worry about them. You know your family has guards for them. You focus on your performance and best of luck!" Nitya pointed toward the men in suits. How can I forget I am the daughter of a famous businessman who doesn't even bother to attend his daughter's big event.

"Okay I will go now bye and thanks." I hugged her last time and went backstage to get ready.

"Come on Mahi we don't have much time. Go and get changed." Mr Ahmad told me and I went to the changing room. We all were ready in an hour as we all had our own makeup artists who were hired by our agency.

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