8. His house

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You guys are the sweetest so you completed the target and as I promised here is your next chapter!!


Mahi's POV:

Nitya came into her room with a tray in her hands. She sat beside me on the bed and offered me a glass of orange juice. I took it from her hands and leaned my head on her shoulder.

Last night I came to her house, she was surprised to see me at that hour but didn't ask me anything and let me cry for good two hours after I was content, I told her everything. She consoled me and I don't even know when I fell asleep.

"So many things happened in just the past two days, I got to know that our professor is my mom's best friend and she suddenly turned into a warm and bright person. We signed a contract with one of the biggest talent agencies and the famous Kabir Mehra is the only child of our professor and our agency owner, now my mom wants me to shift to a house where my professor lives with her so-called handsome son." I said not looking at anything in particular.

"Girl your life became a roller coaster and the fact how well Aparna mam hid her son is commendable." Nitya chuckled and I again got lost in my thoughts.

"Stop thinking that much and finish this juice after that you have to go back to your home, Grandpa just messaged me to tell you that he needs you home within an hour." She stood up from bed and went toward her closet.

"Here take this and get changed, my driver will drop you." She handed me a white crop top and wide-leg blue denim pants. I quickly got ready and her driver dropped me at my house.

I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. Shanti Tai opened the door and I entered. Everyone was present in the living room, maybe waiting for me but I didn't say a word and started walking toward the stairs.

"Mahi" Grandpa called out my name and I stopped on the tracks. I turned and looked at him. "You know we need to talk." He said and gestured to me to come closer.

"If you are going to talk about the same thing then I don't want to." I said and was about to walk away when again he started "Mahi I said we need to talk and you have to listen to what we have to say." His voice held authority and I sighed.

I walked toward him and took a seat beside him. "I am shifting here in Mumbai." I abruptly turned my head toward him in surprise.

"For real, Oh my god then does it mean we will live together here? This is so great Grandpa when are you shifting or are you not going back anymore?" I was so excited that I forgot everything that captured my mind a few minutes ago.

This was something I always wanted and now he finally decided to live with me here, it will be so much fun and I won't feel lonely anymore.

"I will shift here after 6 months." My excitement died at that exact movement. I was about to say something but he didn't let me.

"First listen to what I have to say, It will take me 6 more months to complete the orphanage paperwork and after that I will let your mother handle it and I will shift here." He said as he looked into my eyes.

"Till then I want you to live with Aparna in her house. I have known her since she was a young girl. She is just like my daughter and I trust her, she will take good care of you. It's just for 6 months then we both will live together here. Won't you do this much for this old man?" No No No! He is trying to emotionally blackmail me, Don't fall for his trap Mahi.

"Mahi you know you can't live alone all by yourself and you just have to live with her for a few months, she was your professor you know her and I feel you trust her too so what's the problem?" he asked.

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